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Ok, I'm really sad. This is the last chapter of this book...I'm going to miss it...not much left to say, I'll save it for the end.


*Four Months Later*

Your P.O.V.

You looked at the stars above and smiled as Sans placed his hand on top of yours. You looked over to see Alphys sitting on Undyne's lap listing off constellations. Next to them was Mettaton resting his head on Papyrus's shoulder while Mettaton whispered sweet nothings to him. The night sky was beautiful and perfect for a date night.

"So, how do you guys like the stars?" You ask sighing as you looked at the twinkling sky.

"Even though we've been up on the surface for eight months now, the stars are still so beautiful." Undyne wraps her arms around Alphys.

"No matter what, the night sky is always beautiful. Especially tonight. For once, no clouds try to hide the masterpiece." You scoot closer to Sans.

"JUST LIKE YOU ARE ALWAYS BEAUTIFUL, METTATON." Papyrus causes Mettaton to blush(who knew he could) and pulls Papyrus into a kiss...which then gets more passionate...until they are making out like no one else is there.

"Ew, get a room you two." Undyne blurts at them.

"yeah. i'm still getting used to papyrus being in a relationship." Sans snarls.

"H-hey! They'd probably say the same about you," Alphys brings her voice down to a whisper. "Plus, this is good material...and technically they can't get a room because we are in the outdoors..."

"Good material? For what? Fanfiction," you laugh and hear Alphys give out an embarrassed screech. "Don't worry, I'll help you write it."

"what?!" Sans jolts his hand away.

"I'm just kidding!" You laugh and look at Alphys. You give her a wink and mouth 'Not'. You've got to take advantage of good Fanfiction Material. Undyne laughs and kisses Alphys on the forehead.

"Aww, I missed that. That would've made a great photo." Mettaton complains. Well, looks like they stopped making out in time to see and the cutest couple do something cute.

"Same here. Perfect lighting and everything. Moon shining down, reflecting in each other's eyes. The stars covering the night sky as Undyne pulls her girlfriend closer and gives her a kiss on the forehead." You narrate.


The next few minutes are just spent staring at the night sky. Papyrus tried to count all the stars which got pretty annoying after the thousandth star. At one point, a shooting star comes by. Sans tells you to make a wish.

"What if I already have my wish?" You whisper thinking about everything since that day the barrier broke.

"(y/n)," he takes your attention from the sky. "do you remember when we started dating?"

"Uh, yeah. We were dancing and then we tripped and ended up--GAH" In the middle of your sentence he tackles you to the ground. When you open your eyes you see he is on top of you. The same position when you both tripped. So that's why he asked. The two of you begin laughing and you begin to feel a warmth in your chest. Right as a little light shines, it goes away once you hear a voice.

"OH MY GOD! WOULD YOU TO JUST SMOOCH ALREADY? EVERYONE IS DYING FOR SOME (your and Sans's ship name) ACTION!" Mettaton yells at you two bringing you back to the fact that he just wasn't the only one there. You feel your face grow red.

"mettaton! can you just--" But you cut Sans off. You wrap you arms around his neck and move your head closer to his until your lips meet. You pull Sans into a passionate kiss and can tell he's shocked, but eventually, he kisses back...somehow...You release from the kiss and he gets off you. As you sit up, you brush your hair behind your ear and begin to blush, looking over at Sans and seeing the blue painted on his face.

"Wow. Who knew he could kiss? He doesn't even have lips." Undyne crosses her arms.

"Really, that's what you have to say?" Alphys sighs. It's a shame. Not everybody has an amazing shipping obsession.

     The rest of the night is spent talking about everything and anything together. From simplicity to complication, it was talked about...until someone realized it was 11:00 pm. On the way back to the car, Sans says something to you.

"(y/n), you're fantastic. you've always been." He looks down a bit and blushes.

"Yeah, well you're definitely not." You grin and look at him.

"w-what?" He mumbles in a sad tone, but the next thing you say completely changes his expression and tone.

"You're Sanstastic."


Well, there you have it. Sanstastic. I'm not going to put much here because I will have two A/Ns after this. Thank you all.


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