chapter-2 beyond earth

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Oliva, green eyed brunette with dark lips, dark skin, bushy bob cut hair and skinny, yet very beautiful. This was what Adeen thought as she examined her. Then she imagined her own appearance, she was fair skinned , with deep eyes and dark wavy hair. Thin but not as skinny as Oliva. She thought of herself to be an average american teenager, who was slightly taller than her age. Oliva on the other hand was very tall, but could easily pass off as a normal citizen.

They reached home. When they looked around, they saw clothes thrown all around, a dirty kitchen, absolutely no furniture anywhere. Then they looked up to see a man descending the stairs.

'Hey dad! you will not believe what just happened in the park right now!'  said Adeen with excitement dripping in every word.

'Hey kiddo, I'm glad you had fun in the park. I see you made a new friend already.'  he said.

'Hi I'm Oliva, nice meeting you'. pulled out her hand for a hand shake

'Dad I met her in the park, look at her hand, she needs help' said Adeen pointing her finger towards Oliva's injury.

'You seem to have bruised your hand pretty baldy, what happened?' said Mr. Carter while aiding her.

' If i told you, you'd go nuts! i'll try not to exaggerate', and then Adeen narrated the entire story.

The only thing he could say was 'WHAT? Can you repeat? This time without lying.'

'I'm not lying dad!'

'You must be dreaming this can't be true, either I'm dreaming or, you kiddo, have gone bonkers!'

'I told you won't believe me. Tell him Oliva' she said as she turned towards her.

'sorry, too busy in pain here. Who even invented first aid? OUCH!'

'If I don't clean it, it'll get infected and you'll be in more pain than this. So stay still. It won't hurt as much.' said Mr. carter, still cleaning her wound.

'Honestly, this didn't hurt until you put that orange liquid on my wound. Plus i don't need first aid, I heal much faster than you mortals'. she then pulled her hand away and stood up. She turned towards Adeen.

'Something tells me Adeen, you're not a mere mortal either, in fact you might be one of us.'

' "mere mortal"? what do you mean? I'm pretty normal to me.

 And to everyone else." she said under her breath

'If you wanna know more then come with me, to my school.'

'Well, where is it? Down town?'

Oliva chuckled at that. 'you could say that '

'Down town, in the highest building lies a tiny room. it is invisible to most mortals. it can easily pass off as normal locked room not many notice. But in there lies a key to the other realm. Not many can find this key, it changes everyday.'

'well, I'm up for some treasure hunt, what about you dad?' adeen turned to her father.

They reached the building and walked into the elevator. Adeen pressed the last floor, the 45th floor.

"ahh... see that's where you're wrong. It's never as easy as it seems. Look closer, there's a 46th floor, hidden by the background. We call this uncanny phenomena, the mist." Said Olivia finding the button. 

As each floor passed by, Adeen's heart rate increased. Her imagination was going wild and she couldn't contain her excitement. the elevator struck its bell and the doors opened to a dingy dark room that smelt damp, like it had just rained. The only strange thing is that the city had been in drought since 2017.

"Alright, scan the place for the most unnoticeable tiny locked room before..." Oliva's voice trailed off.

Adeen started looking in the direction as Oliva was when she finally understood what was going on. They heard footsteps, getting louder and louder. A man emerged out of darkness. He had one green eye ball and the other, Adeen presumed, rolled up to the back of his head.

"Hello ladies," he said in a sexy tone. 

'Didn't match his personality'  Thought adeen.

"You forgot the dad, young man." said Mr. Carter trying to sound bold. but adeen could tell he was shaking.

Just then, oliva moved forward, nugged him and threw him on the ground. By the time he could recover threw some green light at him and he knocked off.

"well that was easy!"

"Did you just kill him?" Adeen sounded shaken.

"Would you relax, he's a guardian. The guardian of portals. They have infinite lives. He'll be back by ten minutes maximum." said Oliva proud of finishing him off in a span of five minutes.

She then kicked a door that led them to  a  tiny room that had nothing but a large mirror.

"get ready to be blown away." said oliva as she chanted some ancient spells. 


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