Ch. 4 Harry POV

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What? Everyone started talking at once.

"Silence!" the Professor yelled.

"This year a couple of people are coming. They are DemiGods. Their camp director sent their best campers to meet us. We are trying to become allies. Do NOT cross them! They have just finished their 2 war. They are trained to kill monsters and I want you to be on your best behavior."

"When are they coming?" Some Ravenclaw 4th year asked.

"Right now."

Professor Mcgonall had us follow her to the grass out front by the lake.We see 15 things that look like big birds but as they got closer they were... wait! What? Pegasi?!

I could hear Hermione mumble "But I thought they were all dead!"

As the pegsai landed 15 people got off.

Professor Mcgonall said "Please tell us your name, a title if you have one,age, godly parent, and weapon."

A boy around my age who has messy black hair and sea green eyes stepped forward. All the girls gasped. He was probably hot to them. He was very muscular. You could see his six pack underneath his shirt. He was tan and tall. A lot of boys glared at him.

"Hello I am Percy"

"Perseus!" yelled 2 girls behind him.


"Oh shut up! Well the Greek gods are real! And we are their children. As I said my name is Percy Jackson, savior of Olympus,twice, and I was one of the 7 who saved the world from Gaea and Kronos ,age 17, son of Poseidon. My weapon is this."

'Wow' I thought. 'He is probably full of himself'

He took out a pen. A couple of people laughed but I was surprised when Draco didn't laugh but look a little bit afraid of it.

'What's so bad about a pen?' I thought.

"Ohh..." A couple of people said behind him. Percy uncapped his pen which turned into a sword, a big, long, bronze, shinny sword.He walked up to one of Draco's friends and put up to his throat. Everyone grasped.

"Percy!" yelled the same two girls who yelled at him earlier. Percy put the cap back onto his pen.

Then a red headed girl stepped forward.She was one of the girls who yelled at Percy. She was at least 5'6.She had curly red hair the same color as the Weasley's except with green highlights. She had the same sea green eyes as Percy. She was wearing a black army jacket, black ripped jeans with knee high black combat boots. The only makeup she was wearing black eyeliner and mascara. Her ears was pieced at least 4 times or more and she also wore 3 necklaces, 1 was a choker with a skull on it, the next was lower with a lighting bolt, and the lowest which was right above her heart was a trident. She was also tan and muscular. A couple of the "bad boys" of Hogwarts whistled.

"My name is Anna Belle-"

"Water girl!" yelled Percy.

"Oh shut up Percy! As I was saying my name is Anna Belle Mason, I don't have a title, I also don't want to say my age and I am the daughter of Poseidon. I have a lot of weapons but I manly use knifes and swords."

She took out a knife that was as long as my hand.She said something like"Lets see how much training he remembers." She threw it toward Draco surprising me when he caught with ease.

He looked it over then said"This is the knife Apollo gave to you right?"

How could he know that?

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