Chapter Four

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Lauren was seriously fucking tripping. Dinah watched as she tore through her bag for the fifth time, knowing exactly what it was she was looking for. That stupid sketch of Camila fucking Cabello. If she had to watch her maniacally rove through her fucking math homework one more time....

"Hun...if you flip through those papers again they're going to turn into kindling and you're going to start a small fire from the friction. I don't think it's in there."

"It has to be!" Lauren practically shouted.

Dinah held up her hands in surrender and Lauren immediately softened.

"Look... I'm sorry I'm being crazy about this. But if someone were to find that sketch and..."

"Lo it's gonna be ok. What's the worst that could happen if someone found it?" Dinah instantly regretted that comment. Lots of bad things could happen. Camila being completely smitten by Lauren's art skills and the two of them falling madly in love with each other could happen. At that moment Lauren groaned, mirroring Dinah's sentiments exactly. "If someone finds it they will probably just give it to the art teacher. You should check with her tomorrow."

"You're right. And I mean no one could know that it's me who sketched it. My signature isn't exactly legible."

"See? Don't worry it will probably be fine." Dinah watched as her friend finally calmed a bit and took a heavy fall to the comfort of the couch. She still looked worried. "What's with you Lo? It's not like you to stress about something like this. You know, even if Camila found that sketch you'd have nothing to be embarrassed about. It's a really gorgeous piece of art. She'd probably end up falling for you." As much as it murdered Dinah to speak those words, and as much as the way Lauren's face blushed at her comment about Camila falling for her utterly killed her, she hated to see Lauren insecure about herself. Lauren never second guessed herself and the fact that she felt like she had to because she had a crush on some cheerleader? That was bullshit. Lauren was amazing and she should never doubt that.

"Yeah whatever..." Lauren rolled her eyes, the blush still playing at her cheeks. Dinah restrained herself from doing the same. "I just don't want her to think I'm like... stalking her or something. You know? I mean we've never even talked really. Except that one time she asked me for a pencil in English."

Dinah swore she didn't smirk at that. How much more adorable could Lauren get.

"I don't know what happened, or what it is about her really that just makes me so..." Lauren stared off into the distance like she was looking at the night sky. "She's just really beautiful and I have it so very bad," Lauren laughed and Dinah tried not to cringe as her heart fell.

"Trust me I know the feeling," Dinah stared right back at Lauren and saw an entire galaxy. She tried not to feel solemn.

"Do you think you've ever been in love Dinah?"

Dinah's heart chose that very moment to cease any and all movement.

Lauren looked over at her friend that had gone silent and she tried to determine what she was thinking because the look on her face was slightly alarmed. As the seconds passed she turned to face her and Lauren was taken aback by the sincerity and vulnerability she found in Dinah's eyes.

"Yeah I have," Dinah spoke with conviction, knowing completely that what she was saying was true.

"Really? Who?" Lauren felt shocked that Dinah had never told her about such strong feelings she had for someone. They were normally blatantly honest with each other.

"Someone who... hasn't realized how I feel. I don't know if she will. She kinda feels that way for someone else." Dinah couldn't breathe. Oh god.

"Well I hope she does. She'd be missing out on the best if she didn't. No one is better than you babe." Lauren waited a minute watching as several emotions played at Dinah's face before she crawled across the small space between them on the couch and moved to hug her friend who had gone silent again. She wondered who the girl was that Dinah felt so strongly for but she didn't press her to tell either. She knew Dinah would confide in her when she was ready. "I think...I think I could maybe feel that for Camila someday. I just wish I was more confident. Nothing is ever going to happen if I'm too scared to make a move. It's pathetic. I can't even get up the courage to talk to her."

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