Chapter Six

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"I did some research for you," Zendaya announced arriving to cheer practice with a secretive smirk and handed her cell phone to Camila with a flourish.

"What is this?" Camila asked before glancing down to see a picture of a drawing.

"Zoom in. Low on the bottom right hand corner."

Camila gasped as she recognized a familiar signature come into view. It was the same signature that was on her mystery artist's sketch.

"Oh my God Zen, how did you find this?"

"I did some snooping in art class and figured out who your little mystery artist is," Zendaya winked snatching her phone away from the brunette. Camila appeared as if she was going to lunge after it in her enthusiasm.

"Who is he? You have to tell me!"

"Not a he. A she."

"Wait... what?" Camila watched intently as Zendaya swiped to another picture on her phone before handing it back to her.

"Lauren Jauregui is her name. She's your mystery artist."

Camila stared down into eyes the deepest of green in fascinated wonder. There was no denying, this girl was absolutely beautiful in a way that intrigued Camila.

To her surprise she realized the girl's captivating features looked familiar.

"I've seen her before. Actually I think she's in a class with me." Camila said staring down at the picture. Lauren Jauregui...

She had to meet this girl properly.


Lauren couldn't believe her fucking eyes.

Hey this is Camila Cabello. I know you're the one who drew that sketch of me and if you don't mind, I would really love to meet you Lauren.

She had to actually remind herself to continue breathing as she stared at the message. Camila Cabello had just texted her and she wanted to meet her. What the fuck?

This had to be some kind of trick. How had she possibly found out who drew the sketch? There was no way.

She decided to call what had to be a bluff and typed out a text of her own.

L: I don't know who you are but if this is some kind of joke I'm not playing.

Lauren practically buzzed waiting for a text back. Within seconds she got her reply.

C: No joke, I promise. I loved your sketch and I really want to meet you in person.

Lauren wasn't sure she could trust the validity of these texts.

L: How did you figure out I was your artist?

C: A friend of mine happened to see your assignment as you turned it in in art class. She recognized your signature and told me it was you.

Lauren scoffed. Zendaya then... She knew that girl was sneaky.

L: How did you find my sketch in the first place? Was that Zenspya too?

C: LOL! Yes she found it under the bleachers after practice and brought it to me.

L: Wait a second how do I know you're actually Camila and not some creep playing a trick on me or Zendaya messing with me for a good laugh?

C: She wouldn't do that she's a nice person. A little sneaky yes. But a good loyal friend to have on your side. And I can prove to you that it's really me if you meet me in person?

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