Chapter 21

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One whole week of a well spent holiday was a great, short getaway for our family. As promised, Daddy fulfilled his intention to bring me to visit the glorious history of an empire that once claimed London. We visited the major historical places in the city, and as usual, Jake became our cameraman and took so many memorable pictures to be kept in photo book albums. This was our first time traveling without our beloved Mommy, but we added another member into our family: Rose.

We were at London City Airport Private Jet Centre for our flight back home to Los Angeles. Traveling was part and parcel of Daddy's job, and it was definitely more convenient for him to travel anywhere, anytime, anyplace he wanted by using his private jet. Usually, I would avoid using the private jet because there were too many unforgettable memories of our family. The thought of every memory made my heart shatter into pieces.

"Amanda?" I was so deep in thought, I hadn't heard Daddy calling my name. He shook my arm; he was squeezing, snapping me out of it. "I called your name many times. Are you okay? What are you thinking of, sweetie?"

The look on his face made me want to cry so hard. I didn't want him to worry about me, so I just put a fake smile to hide my grievances. People said eyes couldn't lie, and my eyes were full of pain and sorrow.  I wondered whether they noticed it or not. Behind this smile was a hurting heart and only certain people could understand it. They all looked at me, and I shook my head, signaling I was fine.

"So we will meet again, right?"

"Yes, yes, we will my son," Daddy reassured. "-and you should come and visit us some time." Daddy had turned his attention from Jake to look at Rose. " Bring her and show her how beautiful Los Angeles is." She hesitated a moment, and then chuckled at his words.

Jake gently patted my shoulder, and then said, "Take care of yourself." Slowly, a sweet smile appeared upon his face.

After a slight hesitation, I leaned over and hugged him. "You too, brother," I whispered. Deep down, I sorely wanted us all to be back together under one roof. This way, we could have as much or as little to do with each other as we wished. Despite everything, I've learned that family is always the priority.

* * *

The sound of the plane's engine roared up as it began to depart from its hangar, and I was filled with excited emotions; I was eager to see the world. I took a glimpse around the interior of the private jet, and not much has changed for these past years. Suddenly, I caught a glimpse of our family, as we sat on this same plane before we set off on our holiday.

"What does France look like?" Jake questioned, enthusiasm creeping into Jake's bright blue eyes.

Mommy craned her neck to look into those bright blue eyes and a genuine smile with a hint of a dimple in her left cheek. She placed her hand gently on her stomach, just as the baby gave another vigorous kick. "Your younger brother is kicking ." She giggled sweetly at us.

I ran to her and took the seat next to the window of the private jet. "Can I touch it?"

Mommy took my hand and gently put on her pregnant belly. "Did you feel it? Your brother is awake, Sweetie." She said, I look at her and there was nothing more beautiful than her smile.

"Mommy, you haven't answered my question." Jake winced.

Daddy walked in from the cockpit area and said, "hmm, what does France look like? France is famous with their monuments and one of them is The Eiffel Tower which located in..."

My eyes turned bigger as I raised my hand and squealed, "oh I know, I know."

"Wait! I have learned about that place in my French class.", Jake interrupted.

"It's Paris!" We answered in unison, looking at Daddy.

Daddy and Mommy looked at each other and burst into laughter at our reactions. They enjoyed looking at their only son and daughter humoring each other. It seemed like nothing could bring us down; like nothing could hurt us. Everything seemed fine and too beautiful for sadness and despair. Jake and I raised in a well-known and reputable family background and we learned different education for our knowledge.

Daddy looked at me and murmured something inaudible for me to understand. He kept repeating the same words, but I hear nothing. A frown creased his brows and they were nearly touching, but this time his lips stopped moving. A light appeared around his body and he started disappearing and became into thin air. I extended my hands to hold him, but he went disappeared into nowhere.



"Sweetie, wake up."

"Amanda?" My eyes wide opened and those crystal blue eyes of Daddy looked at me worriedly. My breath stuck in my throat, but slowly I recovered from my dream.

"Are you okay?"

"I- I had a dream. It's- it's just a nightmare. I'm fine." I stuttered, trying to gather my words.

"But, you-"

"Really, it was just a nightmare, Dad."

I looked outside the window and there were lines of private jet at the Los Angeles Private Jet Airport. I was sleeping during whole journey and had a weird nightmare. Maybe I was thinking too much lately and I really need to take some rest.

* * *

I laid in my bed and stared at my bedroom's ceiling in emptiness. I felt happy our family united again and the dark past had gone. Everyone lived a new life and be someone better than yesterday. While me, I had finished my degree year and I should start thinking about finding a career.

The knocking on my door breaks me from my thoughts. "Can we talk for a while?" Daddy's voice echoed, asking if he could enter into my bedroom.

"Yeah, come in.", I assured.

He stood still by the door and looked around my bedroom. He looked just like it was his first time entering my bedroom. I had to admit he seldom came into my bedroom before because we both knew it would be awkward for both of us.

Then, he put his hand into his pajama pocket. Daddy hesitatingly cleared his throat and opened his mouth to muttered, "I'm going to the hospital tomorrow."

Silence filled the room before I said, "okay."

"Actually-", Daddy stopped. I looked at him intently, waiting for his words.

"Actually, I want you to company me for my check-up tomorrow. Do you want-"

Without any hesitation, I answered nonchalantly. "Yeah, sure! I would love to!"

* * *

Author's Note:

Next chapter is the last chapter.

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