Chapter 5

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Author's Note:

That's the picture of Rosie Huntington-Whiteley aka the "evil" stepmother slash Jenny. I choose her because her face suitable to play the bad character. Who agree with me? Comment haha :D

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He was hugging me so tight and I could feel his heart was beating as fast as mine. He rolled his eyes for one second then looked back down at me. He looked straight into my eyes and opened his mouth to say something. "Amanda, actually I feel something isn't right between us." He mumbled, removing his hands from my waist.

"What do you mean?" I almost shrieked. I crossed my arms and gritted my teeth. "What are you trying to say?" I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a gentleman in a black suit was approaching us. He stood beside Karl, "Sir." He said politely with a smile on his face.

We both turned our heads and looked at him at the same time. When we had our breakfast a few hours ago, he introduced himself as a butler-slash-chauffeur who works for Karl's family. He is a Mexican and age around 30. When he stood beside Karl, he looked a little bit shorter than Karl. "I am sorry to interrupt Sir, but Miss Amanda's phone rang twice." He looked at me and then he turned his gaze to looked at Karl.

They both turned their heads down to gaze at me. "My phone rang?" I looked at the butler, lost in astonishment. Without waiting for his reply, I left Karl and his butler at the pool area without saying anything. I quickly ran into the house and went upstairs to pick up the phone. My phone stopped ringing as I turned the doorknob of Karl's bedroom. I sat on the bed and grabbed my phone off the nightstand. I looked at the screen and muttered, "Who called me?"

My eyes widened in shock when I've got 3 missed calls and 1 message from Dad. I slide to unlock the phone and read the incoming message from Daddy. "I already arrived at the airport and I am on my way back home. Can't wait to see you and I have things to discuss with you." - Dad.

"Ohh, shit!" I shrieked in panic as I read the message. I went blank because I didn't expect this to happened. As I turned around, Karl was standing right behind me. "Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed.

"Fuck you Karl! Fuck you! Why are you standing behind me?! " I yelled and cursed him. I didn't notice Karl was standing right behind me. I swear I didn't hear his footsteps coming upstairs and went into the room. Later, the shocked turn to anger and I smacked his head harshly.

"I almost got a heart attack because of you!" I shrieked and smacked his head again. He burst out laughing whilst putting his left hand on his head. My face became red because I was so shocked and angry at the same time. I started to calm down after a few minutes.

"Sorry for scaring you shorty." He kept laughing so hard with tears running down on his face. I couldn't resist myself and start laughing too. We were both rolling on the floor laughing out loud.

"That was so funny.  You look like you just saw a ghost." He chuckled and tried to control himself from laughing again. He used both of his hands to closed his mouth but I could still hear his laughter. We looked at each other as we were trying to calm ourselves down. Unfortunately, we couldn't resist it and laughed again. We were laughing until we could barely breathe.

After a few minutes, we both kept silent to take some deep breaths, breathe out, relax and calm down. "Who called you just now?" He muttered as we sat on the floor and his crystal blue eyes were looking straight at me.

"It's my dad. He should be back tomorrow but-." I stood up as I tried to explain but being cut off by Karl. My panic attack started again when he asked about the call.

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