Chapter 5 - Text of truth

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Your POV:

We're still dancing on the dancefloor and I can't stop smiling, because I am having the best night ever! 

Next thing we know, the song changes, and now everyone has began to slowly find a partner, and sway to the slow music. Me and Joey looked at each other awkwardly not knowing what to do, were we to dance or go back to our drinks? 

"Come here gurl" Joey laughed and grabbed my hands and put them around his neck

I felt the blood under my cheeks raise up, and I knew right now that I was bright red. The music felt like it was playing forever, whilst we stared into each others eyes, never letting go of our smiles, but when Joey took one glance away from me, his smile disappeared. His hands slipped away from my waist, and instead was holding my hand again, dragging me back to the table where we were previously sitting with our drinks.

"Whats wrong?" I gasped whilst being dragged back to the table

"It's Cat! What the hell is she doing here?" Joey shouted over the music, whilst ducking his head behind his hand

I turned around and saw her looking around the bodies of people that were getting in the way of her view. 

"I thought you two were friends?" I questioned Joey, not knowing at this point that they were actually dating

"We are kinda more than friends....she's my girlfriend" Joey sighed

"Oh, I didn't know" I replied feeling my heart slowly sink

Cat looked in our direction, and by the reaction of her face, she had seen Joey. She got closer and Joey sat up straight, and put on a fake smile.

"What the hell, Joey?" Cat shouted over the music

"I needed time with my friends" Joey whimpered

"Who the hell is she?" Cat said pointing at me

"This is (.......)" 

I nodded awkwardly seeing the anger grow more and more in her face. 

"Whatever. Buy me drink, babe?" Cat soon evilly smiled whilst sitting down next to Joey and putting her arm around his shoulder

"I better be getting back" I said whilst beginning to stand, to leave this awkward situation, without trying to cry

"Let me -" Joey began a sentence but was soon cut off by Cat

"Bye" She smirked

I turned and ran out of the club, trying to not look back without my heart breaking. 

When I stepped outside the air had gotten cooler, and the stars were shining through the few clouds that floated above. I took in a deep breath of the fresh air, and the tears soon dried. 

"(..........)?" I heard Joey say my name from the entrance of the bar

"Hey, what are you doing?" I questioned him

"Sorry about that, will you be alright getting home?" he asked sympathetically

"Yeah, I can get a taxi"

He nodded his head and turned to head back into the bar

"Joey?" I called out

"Yeah?" He said quickly turning in his step

"Why are you dating her?"  

His head dropped, and he shrugged his shoulders, and then quickly disappeared into the bar. 

The tears began again, and this time they began to continue to flow down my cheeks all the way home in the taxi. 

As soon as I got home, I stripped down into my PJs and jumped straight into bed. I placed my headphones in and began playing the most depressing music I could find to go with how I was feeling. 


I reached under my pillow where I had placed my phone, and saw that I had a text message. 

1 new message: Joey Graceffa

Hey! Sorry about earlier this evening, I bet it totally ruined your evening. About your question...... we're dating because my manager told me to for the subscribers on YouTube. She said it would bring more in. If I didn't bring in more subscribers, then I could no longer do YouTube, so it was lose YouTube or date Cat. 

 I mean we have always been great friends, and I did think I loved her once, but now that we are dating, I don't feel the same anymore, and she definetely isn't the same anymore! I hope you forgive me, you probably thought I was leading you on, and I'm sorry if it felt like I was! Can we still be friends? :) xxx

I replied instantly: 

"That's ok! Naa I kinda knew you and her were dating,so don't worry you weren't leading me on. Of course we can still be friends, but you have to make it up to me somehow! :P xxx"

I had to lie about being lead on, I couldn't admit my true feelings to someone I looked up to. I guess at least having a friendship with him is a great thing anyway. The sadness soon left my heart, and the thought of having a friendship with Joey made me happy, I mean you can't always get everything you want. 

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