Chapter 4 (Revised)

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The forest grew tense and fraught with danger, the growling sound intensified, drawing nearer with each passing moment. The snapping and crackling of twigs and leaves only added to my sense of impending doom.

My heart raced as vivid images of the unknown creature discovering me flashed through my mind. With tears streaming down my face, I pressed myself deeper into the tree, trying to make myself as small as possible.

Fear consumed me. I was terrified, unable to shake the memories of my mother's farewell, the raid on our village, and the horrors I had witnessed. And now, faced with yet another threat, I couldn't bear the thought of facing death again.

'I don't want to die,' I screamed silently in my mind, tears falling unchecked.

Suddenly, I sensed something hovering above me, sending a jolt of terror through my body. My heart nearly stopped as fear gripped me with an iron hold.

'It found me!' I realized with a sinking feeling, the dread weighing heavily on my soul as I braced myself for whatever horrors awaited me.

Despite the sunlight struggling to penetrate the thick canopy of the dense forest, a single beam found its way through, illuminating the frightening creature before me in its stark brilliance.

This creature was like nothing I had ever seen before. It resembled a giant wolf, yet it bore horns atop its head, adding to its menacing appearance. Its entire body was covered in sleek, black fur, and its massive size left me feeling small and vulnerable. I couldn't tear my gaze away from its sharp, pointy teeth, each one a deadly weapon poised to strike. The mere thought of it tearing me apart sent shivers down my spine, intensifying my fear.

As I stared up at the majestic creature, a wave of despair washed over me. 'I don't want to die. I don't want to die,' I repeated to myself, as I stared blankly at the imposing wolf.

When the creature finally opened its massive jaws, I instinctively closed my eyes, bracing myself for the inevitable end.


As Christina's eyes fluttered shut, she missed the arrival of another figure just behind the mysterious creature. It was a boy with a serious expression etched onto his handsome features. His furrowed brow and intense gaze hinted at a maturity beyond his years. His black messy hair caught the sunlight, shining like polished ebony. Despite his young age, there was a heaviness in his eyes, as if burdened by experiences far beyond what should befall a child. A purple bruise marred his right eye, a stark contrast against his tan skin and striking light blue eyes, reminiscent of the sea on a calm day.

This boy was Rune. Abandoned and left to fend for himself at a tender age, he had grown accustomed to a life of hardship and uncertainty. His name was not bestowed upon him by loving parents but rather chosen as a moniker to carry through his trials.

At just nine years old, with his tenth birthday approaching, Rune had known little stability. He wandered from place to place, his only constant companion the ever-present uncertainty of his next meal or shelter. His clothes, tattered and oversized, bore witness to the harshness of his existence, patched together from whatever remnants he could scavenge. The dirt-stained trousers and bare feet spoke volumes of his nomadic lifestyle.

Wrapped around his head was a dirty-looking black scarf, concealing something unknown beneath its folds. Rune's appearance told a story of struggle and survival, marked by visible scars and bruises that adorned his arms and legs. Yet, beneath the surface, lay a resilience and determination that belied his tender age.

To those who looked closely, there was a glint of something darker in Rune's eyes—a hint of both hatred and madness, born from a life filled with neglect and hardship. Despite the hardships he endured, Rune remained resolute, clinging to the hope of a better tomorrow even in the darkest of times.

Rune advanced toward the creature with a stoic expression, sending shivers down the spine of any onlooker. Despite his bleeding feet and tender age, his face bore a gravity far beyond his years.

His emerald eyes caught sight of a coarse robe wedged between the gnarled roots of a towering tree. Curiosity piqued, he addressed his companion in a calm yet commanding tone.

"What did you find, Nox?"

At the sound of his name, the creature ceased its rummaging and turned to regard Rune. Emitting a low growl, it responded in a manner that, to Rune, seemed perfectly understandable.

"I see. Don't even think about eating her," Rune instructed firmly, his voice carrying an air of authority that brooked no argument.

The creature, accused of such intentions, responded with a protest, its ears drooping low. However, at Rune's silent nod of understanding, it seemed to relent, wagging its tail in a display of joy at the affirmation of their bond.

As Christina heard the boyish voice, a surge of hope flickered within her. Could this newcomer be her salvation? Slowly, she peeled open her eyes, her heart pounding with a mixture of fear and anticipation. To her surprise, she found herself face to face with a boy, his appearance striking yet marred by signs of abuse.

'What is a child doing here?' she fretted inwardly, her concern overriding her own predicament. 'Alone! This place isn't safe! And why is he full of injuries!'

Meanwhile, Rune too was taken aback by Christina's presence. She appeared ethereal, resembling an angel with her flowing blonde hair and piercing emerald eyes. Her worry-filled gaze struck a chord within him, stirring emotions he had long buried.

'Beautiful,' he thought, captivated by her innocence and vulnerability. 'I want to touch her, to see if everything I see is real, but...'

The reality of his own grimy hands and battered appearance brought him back to earth. He couldn't risk tarnishing her purity with his own darkness.

Despite his initial fascination, Rune's mind raced with concern for Christina's safety. Why was she here in this perilous part of the forest? Was she abandoned like him? Or was there something more sinister at play?

As his thoughts delved into darker possibilities, Rune made a decision. He couldn't leave her here to fend for herself. Despite the risks, he resolved to find a safe haven for her—a good orphanage where she could thrive away from the dangers of the forest.

Knowing his own precarious situation, Rune understood that he couldn't take her with him. His nomadic existence offered no stability, and the risk of being sold into slavery was too great. Instead, he would ensure Christina's safety before continuing his own solitary journey.

Christina gazed into the boy's eyes, feeling an inexplicable connection that tugged at her memory. Though she couldn't place him, there was a sense of familiarity that she couldn't shake.

'Maybe I'm confusing him for someone,' she reasoned, trying to dismiss the strange feeling. 'But why do I feel like he's important?'

Before she could delve deeper into her thoughts, Christina noticed Rune's repeated attempts to reach out to her, his hesitation palpable. After several moments of this hesitant dance, Christina made the decision to reach out and touch his hand, locking eyes with him in a silent exchange. Their gazes held for a fleeting moment, a silent understanding passing between them, before Rune averted his eyes. Then, unexpectedly, he gently gathered her into his arms, his touch surprisingly tender. Despite his frail appearance, he effortlessly lifted her, cradling her as if she were the most delicate and precious thing in the world.

Christina couldn't fathom how his thin arms managed to bear her weight without strain, adding another layer of mystery to the encounter. But before she could ponder any further, the strain of the day's events overwhelmed her, and she succumbed to unconsciousness.

Little did she know, this chance encounter would alter the course of her life in ways she never imagined possible.


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