Chapter 1- James

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It's the first week back after the summer break, I was sitting in the art classroom cleaning the lens of my DSLR ready for the lesson that was due to start in 10 minutes. After about 5 minutes my classmates walked in laughing and joking like normal completely ignoring me and sat on the other side of the room. My best friend walked in and put his rucksack down on the table and smiled at me. The light shone off of his glasses, he flicked his longish ginger hair to the side so it fell out of his eyes.

"Hey, you alright," asked Scott in a worried tone.

"Yeah just tired" I replied

5 minutes passed then the photography teacher arrived after being told what to do and having a conversation with Mr Maxon we started to do the work. We were told to take photos of abstract and odd looking objects and parts of the school. After my classmates left to do the task set Mr Maxon wanted to talk to me again.

"So James now you're back from summer break you need to focus because you need to pass this class if you want to do photography for a career" Mr Maxon looks down at my grades he has on his paper.

"I know sir and I won't let you down this year" I responded looking in my workbook.

"you better not, now go do the work I set you" he demanded as he waved towards the door.

As Scott and I walked out of the class I bumped into the prettiest girl in our year, long blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect nose and a bright smile. As I walked into her the book that she was carrying fell onto the floor loose paper fell everywhere. Me the socially awkward kid that doesn't know how to talk to girls, flung myself on my knees picking up as much paper as I could for this girl.

"My lord James be more careful next time" the girl gave me an upset but flirtatious look. By this time I was already freaking out over the fact she knew my name. The paper didn't matter she knew my name.

I looked down in shame and trying to hide my smile I apologised and went about my business until Scott punched my arm.

"DUDE, what was that?!" He looked at me with shock and anger. Like he wanted me to make a romantic move or something.

Without thinking, I say "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT WAS THAT!" My face turning redder than he had ever seen before, "And why the hell did you punch me?!"

Scott struggling to find words says " That was Hannah Matthews... y'know the quiet but incredibly popular one" Scott looks at me but I don't look back, he doesn't know about the time where I was one of the popular people and was in that big group of friends because he only recently joined.

I looked at him and responded "Great one of the pretty popular girls bumped into me" he could tell I was being sarcastic we got back on with the work and then we went home. After completing the ungodly amount of homework I had I turned on my Xbox one and started playing COD just to take my mind off of what happened earlier today. After about an hour or two I get a game and party invite from Scottdestroyer1233, this was Scott we started playing battlefield until my phone went off. I got in cover to protect myself so I didn't die and it was a text, from Hannah.

It said, I'm sorry that I bumped into you earlier and did we get any physics homework? Xx

I looked in my planner that is for homework and replied, that's okay Han and yes we do but it's due in next week. X after I sent that text I switched off my phone and continued playing battlefield until my mum and dad arrived home from work they brought in kebab and chips. We sat as a family and watched a film while we spoke about the day that we have done.

After I finished my dinner I showered then spent the rest of my evening on my laptop writing a book that I was really passionate about and wanted to finish. After 01:30 I put my laptop away and went to bed ready for my weekend ahead.

At 10:30 I woke up and looked at my phone to find 3 missed calls from Scott, I texted him after I showered and got dressed, Hey, what did you call me for?? After about 20 minutes he responds with Hey I was wondering if you wanted to sleep around mine tomorrow?? After I gave it some thought and agreed with his plan.

I spent the rest of the day working on my book and watching horror films so I could get more ideas for future projects. After watching 4 horrors it was time for me to sleep but I couldn't I laid there and stared at the ceiling thinking, thinking about that girl I bumped into. I couldn't get her out of my head.

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