Chapter 4

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~Harrys POV~

After she left i coudn't help but think to myself, that she's gorgeous. 

Anyways Back to my conversation with Dwayne. 

~Skyes POV~ 

After I left the kitchen, I ran upstairs to my room. Once I got their i locked the door and ran to my bed, plopped down on it,and cried my little heart out.

I was so not ready for this. I can't have a boxing trainer, especially a guy. 

~Harrys POV~ 

In the middle of Dwaynes and my conversation i couldn't help but think, That i heard sobbing. 

 "Yo, D-Dawg do you hear sobbing too?" I ask him curiously. 

"Yeah I do Harry. It sounds like Skye. I'm gonna go check on her." He responed. 

"No I'll do it!" I quickly protested. (Lol NO! Jimmy Protested) 

 "Okay, Okay, go ahead. Go upstairs, make a right, and the 2 door on the left is Skyes room." Dwayne told me.

"Okay Thanks!" I said as I left the kitchen and made my way upstairs.

 Once I Finally reached Skyes Door, I was hesitent to knock on the door. 

Finally after like 5 minutes of just standing in front of her door like a moron, I knocked. 

"Dad?" I heard Skyes Delicate little voice ask. 

"No Skye. It's me Harry. Can i come in?"  I replied to her. 

"Oh um yeah, come in." I heard her tell me not to sure of what she said. 

~Skyes POV~ 

Harry? What on earth was he doing here? Knocking on MY  bedroom door? Ugh dad I'm soooo getting back at you for this. 

I was snapped out of my thoughts by Harry Walking in my room. 

"Look Skye, I know we only met and I feel real-" 

I stopped him in the middle of his sentence. 

"Harry its fine. It wasn't your fault!  It was just something that happened in  the past." I reasurred him. (Did i spell that right? I don't pay attention in school.) 

"Oh wanna talk about it?" He suggested. 

"Um not really." I told him. 

"Oh okay." He replied to me quietly. 

Anyways it was really starting to become awkward between us. I decided to start a conversation again. 

"Anyways, When our first practice?" I asked Harry. 

"Oh um tomorrow at 6:30?" 

"A.M.? I asked him. "Dude thats waaayyyy to early!!!" I started to complain

"Gurl.....Are you Cray-Cray? A.M.? Are you insane? HELL NAH!  P.M. Gurl P.M.!!!!" He corrected.

"Well someone went White girl on me." I told him. 

He just smirked. 

"Anyways so it's settled! Tommorow at 6:30 P.M. is training!" I said cheerfully.

"Okay!" Harry replied back to me. 

Woah i just realized my boxing trainer was a hot british guy! Woah! 

~Harry POV~ 

As i left Skyes room, I couldn't wait untill tommorow!

As i was about to go out the front door, Dwayne called my name. 

"Yeah?" I asked him. 

"Oh nevermind! I'll see you tommorow at 6:30." He told me. 

Woah did he like easve drop? God now he doesn't trust me! Eh he probly does. 

I seriously couldn't be more excited for tommorow!! I wonder is Skye feels the saem way?



Hey again Ducklings! Three updates in one day! I mean 60 reads and 5 votes? Does that not deserve a triple update? 

So you guys should follow Me and Neysa on Wattpad! 

Also I'll give you my private accounts. 

Twitter= Vicka_Tee

Instagram= Vicka_Tee

Kik= Vicka_Tee 

Wattpad= Vicka_Tee

Also, Me and Neysa have an instagram together! 



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