Chapter 17

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THIS IS FOR THE OTHER AUTHORS AND READERS!!!!  Malika, and Neysa, if you want to write about your kik or instagram, please send a message out not add it in my story. Malikas is exceptable because shes new. READERS!!!!! If i get one more god damn message about my copying the other bokk My Boxing Trainer, i will quit this god damn story. SO STOP!!!!!!


Recap: It was Harry. 



 "Harry Why the hell did  you drag me in here?" I yelled at him.

  All he did was kiss me. I would usualy enjoy this but this was forced!!!! I tried pishing him off of me but he backed up against  the wall. Well i guess im stuck here. Damn! 

Just then Allie entered. 

"Ugh you slut! Why are you kissing my boyfriend again?!?!" She yelled at me in her squeaky voice. 

She sounds like a dying dog. Now to thin about it, she looks like a dog too. But not a cute one. One of those stray ones with rabies. ( IDK if i spelled that right.)

"Listen dumb ass, he forced himself on me. And Boyfriend?!?!? Sweetheart if you were a piece of paper he wouldn't even wipe his ass with you. He hates your ratchet ass." I said quite proud of myself. 

"And harry, you told me he were dump her." I added facing harry now. 

"Skye i can ex-" 

"Save your breath im out peasants." i told harry while walking out the room.

When i entered the living room, everyone got silent. I just realized the perrie, Eleanor, and danielle came. (Payzer Forever<3 <3) 

"Hey guys!" i said happily. 

"Um... Hey." Louis replied awkwardly, 

"Skye are you bipolar?!? We just heard you screaming your head off at Allie and Harry, and now your all Happy and Bubbly." Niall said with a look of disbelief on his face,

"Oh that! That's nothing to worry about!" i said. 

As those words left my mouth i quickly realized that those words actually hurt me. Maybe i was a slut? Maybe I don't deserve anyone? Maybe i Should just die? Nah! I'm not gonna let some girl get to me! I'm strong! 

"Hey am i still sleeping over here? Whens my dad gonna come back home? Were is he?" I asked.

"Oh he's in Montana. He should be back in about a week." Said Louis. 

"Oh. I'm going to the guest bedroom. Louis Im stealing a shirt from you." was the only thing i said.

"Okay." was my reply.

As i made my way down the hallway to louis room, I heard Yelling from Harry room. 

"Were Over!" I heard Harry Shout. 

Well then. It doesn't matter to me anymore though because i cant love him. Then i heard Liam shout my name. 



"Come Here!" 

"Ugh! Fine" 

As i was making my way down the stairs i noticed that Harry was in the room." 

"What did you guys need?" I asked. 

"harry has something to tell you." said Liam.

I'm guessing its an apology. 

"Ugh Skye we have practice tommorow at 6:00." Harry suddenly said.

"You couldnt text me that?" i asked. 

"I wanted to see your gorgeous face." harry said. 

"Ugh Save it!" i said as i started walking toward the guest room.

When i finnaly made it in the room, I changed in to the t Shirt and basketball shorts i took from louis. Whe i finnished changing, I  went to go sleep. I fell asleep as soon as laid down. 



Thanks for the support and for reading my story! 

Also, follow @ChantelNeriShe is so sweet and supprtive! 

Love ya! 

- Victoria

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