Rove II

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Dove's POV.
So, after a week spending time with Ryan, and Joey.... I realized that I love him even more!!! Ryan I mean.
And today he invited me to the park, I wonder if anyone else's is gonna be there, cause he says "It's a surprise"
It's probably Joey.

Ryan's POV.
Today I've invited Dove to the park, as I said before, I have a plan. We're going to have a picnic, and I'm gonna play the guitar to impress her and everything.
So I went to her house to pick her up and "Wow" she looked stunning.

Dove's POV.
As I opened the door to greet Ryan, he looked at me with those big brown eyes, it was awkward, but I liked it.
"How is this? Is it park-like?" I said
I was wearing a white shirt with a bunch of flowers on it, and wore shorts with my croc shoes, not the one with the holes though.
"It's great, you're fine, you look beautiful" he said
I made a small smile and blushed, how sweet of him to say that.

The park wasn't far a walk, we walked there like about 10-12 minutes, there were lots of trees and people walking dogs.
But Ryan led me to a place in the park, where there were less people.
"Is this the part where someone comes out and kills me with a chainsaw?" I asked teas-lily
"Nah, this is something different" 

He had led me to a bench where a picnic basket and his guitar stood.
It's a date, I thought to myself.
"No Joey?" I asked
"Nope, he's with his girlfriend" Ryan said
"Ahh, Aubrey" I said (proud of that guy) I mean, he's already got a girlfriend, yes Joey has a girlfriend and for me.. I never even had a boyfriend, so Joey has more experience than me.

Ryan's POV.
We both sat down in the bench.
"Care for a tomato sandwich?" I said romantically to dove.
"Indeed, thank you" she said in a British accent as she was taking a bite.
"Hmmm, this is good" she said
"I made it" I said dazzling her.
After we has finish our sandwiches, I got my guitar and started playing it in difference chords
"Do you know what's a fret?" I asked
"umm, the dots" she said puzzled
"Sorry, I'm not really good with music instruments" she confessed
"Well, I'm not good at singing" I said comforting her.

Dove's POV.
He stared playing and throwing some words to the melody, I looked at how he played and looked at him.
"What do you think should come next?" He asked
"I don't know"  I said adoring him
"That's not helping" he teased

I giggled but stopped for a second or two, I looked into his eyes as he was looking into mine, we were feeling that spark again.

Then suddenly he leaned in close, and closer, his eyes were closing but mine was still open waiting for what will happen.
Are we going to kiss? I asked to myself, and yea, we were.

My head was also leaning slowly and closely to his



"Hey guys!!" Shouted someone
Me and Ryan quickly moved away from each other, to see who was shouting to us.

Wild Guess?
It was Joey.

Hey guys how was Dove and Ryan Part 2?? Shipping them? Well read more when I publish about them. And please vote or comment on it.
Okay thanks :)

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