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Then I turned around and saw Jacob I began to cry because we used to date and he did some bad things by bad things I mean horrible things. And he said if I told anything to anyone he would get me by that I mean ra- you know the rest.He bit his lip and held my hand and brought me to the nearest janitors closet. I stood there aganist the wall terrified so I looked down. He wispered.........

J-Do you miss me baby girl. 

A-NO AND I NEVER WILL. I said shouting.

I turned around he turned me around and pined me against the wall. I Began cying and he kissed me that wicked dicher kissed me. I smacked him on the side of his cheak then I ran to first class so he cannot hurt me then he shouted. 


I was totally digusted by him and he called me baby that ......................................................... I walked into class pissed as fuck.Then the bell rang.


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