Chapter 3

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Justin's p.o.v.

We all jumped when we heard the baby cry. I froze in my tracks and stared at the box with wide eyes.

"Dude is there a baby in there?" Damon asked.

I shrugged. There couldn't be. Who would leave a baby on the doorstep of three men who are only 21 years old and have a huge YouTube career? It's probably just a prank. Some loser kid thought it'd be funny to put a fake baby on our porch to freak us out.

I shook my head and walked towards the box. I opened it up and found a really beautiful blanket. Who would use a blanket this nice for a prank.

The cry was louder and I furrowed my eyebrows. Damon came up behind just as confused as we all were.

"If that's just a recording of a baby cry then that's a hell of a good speaker to be that loud and clear." He said, kind of amazed by the sound quality.

He moved the blanket and we both jumped back because of the surprise in the box. There was a mother flucking baby in that box. Not a fake baby, not a doll, a real baby.

"Guys, there's an actual baby in the box!" Damon screeched.

He cowered behind Danny like there was a rat in the box or something.

Kayla's eyes widened and she rushed to the box to look in. The baby was screaming now.

"Oh my god." She whispered under her breath.

She gently took the baby from the box and cradled it in her arms. She rocked it and shushed it until it calmed down but it still whimpered at bit.

"What do we do?" Danny asked.

Damon emptied the rest of the box and there were a bunch of papers at the bottom. Kayla unfolded the blanket and draped it over the baby to warm it up.

"There are adoption papers, a birth certificate and a note." he said, examining the papers.

He opened the letter and began to read:

Residence of this house,

I know you're probably confused and you're probably very scared right now, but I need you to understand why I did this. The baby and I were in danger. I am in a very abusive relationship that I can't get out of. My husband, he has some issues, anger issues, and he likes to take them out on me. He drinks daily and it was just not a safe place for my baby. I didn't want them to be around a toxic relationship.

I know what you're thinking. Why didn't I just runaway with the baby? My husband is a very clever and manipulating man. I could take off to any state or any country, I could change my name and my appearance a hundred times and he could still trace me and he could still find me. He has hookups and allays everywhere and is friends with some FBI agents, he could report me for kidnapping.

Now I know what you're thinking next. Why didn't I put the baby up for adoption? Do you know how easy it would be to track them down? If he found the baby he'd kill them and then he'd kill me for giving them away.

This is as hard for you guys as it is for me, but I need you shelter my baby. Take their little soul under your wings for me. At least until they are old enough to understand, or until I can get out.


He can not find the baby.

There are papers in the box with the baby. All you need to do is fill them out and turn them into the courthouse. The blanket is handmade by me. I kept it gender neutral as I choose not to have anything to do with the baby. It'd only make it harder.

A midwife delivered the baby on May 6th. He or she is two days old. All their info was filled out on the papers. All you have to do is fill out your part and turn them in. No lawyer will be needed as these are basic papers. Nothing is for adoption it is all as if it is your own baby. Midwife consent is listed, you have everything you need.

Please love my baby like your own. I did not want to do this at all. I trust you guys to do what I ask. I'm trusting you with my baby's life. I'm trusting you with my flesh and blood. Please take care of my baby.

Sincerely, The mother." Damon finished.

"Oh, p.s. the other letter is for my baby. Please give them the note when they are old enough to understand. I want them to know."

Damon set the letters down on the counter. He didn't even bother reading the other one. Probably said the same thing.

"What do we do? We can't keep the baby, we have a career to uphold. A future that is barely even established." Danny said.

I looked down at the tiny baby in Kayla's arms. He/she had the cutest face and tiny fingers.

"I don't know Danny, the letter informed that the baby is in danger and if we take it to the authorities the dad or husband or whatever could find them. Plus it would probably be turned over to the FBI or to a detective. Might as well snap their neck right now if we did that." Kayla said.

She was swaying back and forth with baby on her chest. He/she was fast asleep.

"There isn't much we can do but keep them." Damon said.

"The mother gave us instructions. She said that this baby could get hurt if we did anything other than what is told. She said she trusted us. Its our duty to take care of this baby. If we weren't meant for this baby then why did they end up our doorstep? I say we keep them." I said sternly and left no other choice.


I am such a horrible writer. I have been so busy and distracted with the end of the school year, moving, transferring and graduation and everything else that I have not found time to update. I have time today though so to makeup for the lack of updates I will double update today and possibly triple update depending on how much time I have.

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