Chapter 4

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Justin's p.o.v

"Justin, are you crazy?" Danny asked.

"Yeah." I said very straight forward.

Like I said, the mother wants us to do this. She left this baby with us trusting that we will keep them safe. What else are we supposed to do.

"You realize management is never going to let us so this right?"


"I think it's a great idea." Paul, our manager, said "this baby would be a great publicity boost. Imagine the headlines: 'Three teen boys become unexpected guardians to abandoned baby.' 'Baby left on doorstep to three young men.' Imagine the interviews, paps would be everywhere. Hey a reality TV show could be in store. Think of all the fame and attention you guys would get Danny. You guys would sky rocket."

My expression went from happy to slightly agitated. I didn't want this baby to be used as publicity stunt. That is not what his mother intended it to be, but it is probably going to be the only way Paul would let us do this.

"Paul, this a baby we are talking about. We are three inexperienced boys who have no clue what to do." Danny protested.

"So you take a class. We can schedule them to start immediately. You learn how to make a bottle, feed it, burp it, safety, how to change a diaper and all the seven wonders."

Danny rolled his eyes and slumped down in the chair in the living room.

"This isn't even right." Danny said.

"Alright, so I guess that is settled. Now let's see these papers."

I handed Paul the papers and he looked them over.

"Alright, so only one of you boys can sign onto the legal guardian rights to the baby. Who will it be?"

Both Damon and Danny looked at me expecting me to take the part. I guess I could I mean I am the one who wanted to keep them in the first place. I sat down at the table and filled out what needed to be filled out and then signed at the bottom of the paper. After I finished my stuff we moved onto the babies' stuff. Half of the stuff was filled out and the rest was left to us to do.

Birth Weight: 5 lbs 12 oz

Birth Length: 17 1/4 in.

Time of Arrival: 12:25 a.m.

Gender: female

"We have a girl guys." I said grinning.

Legal Name:

"Oh, what are we naming her?" I asked, totally lost of what she will be named.

"Here we can all write down two names for her and pick out which one we like better than the other and put our last choices in a hat and draw." Kayla suggested.

"Good idea." I said.

I grabbed some paper and tore it into pieces for us. I wrote down my two names and set them out.

We put our selected names in my hat and we let Paul draw since he didn't write any names down. He shuffled the papers a bit and then pulled a slip out.

"The name is Alayna." Paul said.

Damon made a victory move and had a huge grin on his face.

"Alright Alayna," I said slowly as I wrote it down "does Drew sound good for a middle name?" I asked in a joking matter.

"Actually it does. Alayna Drew." Danny said.

I shrugged in agreement and wrote it down. The rest was already filled out.

I signed the rest of the papers and then gave them to Paul. He said if he ran into any legal issues he'd handle it and left us with our new little family.

I walked back into the living room and Kayla pulled me into the kitchen.

"Justin, I was thinking. You guys just got a new baby. Its going to be hard and you guys have no clue what you're doing so I was thinking that it'd probably be best if I stuck around and helped out." She said.

A huge grin spread across my face and I yanked her into a hug.

"Thank you so much Kayla. Its going to be so great having you around. Well get you all moved in and settled. I cant believe this the boys are gonna freak!"

And they did.


Sorry its short. But omg was it hard picking out the name. Im pretty pleased though.

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