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Its been two hours and I'm already fed up with everyone in this truck. Not to mentioned that we still have four hours left. I've tried going to sleep, but Clara thought it'd be a good idea to for all of them to sing along to every Christmas song that comes on the radio. Christmas was last fucking month.

Not even the blaring music in my headphones can block out their loud voices.

"Can we pull over dad? I have to go to the restroom really bad." I hear Lauren say. He isn't her dad, I don't know why she insist on calling him that.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea for her to down two bottles of water as soon as we left the house. I really wish she'd use her brain sometimes.

"Give me a minute to find a gas station around here." He says.

I peer out the window to see that we're in the middle of no where. This town looks like its straight out of one of those cowboy movies. He pulls the truck into a nearby rest stop and parks it in the empty parking lot. Out of all the places we could've stopped at, he just had to choose the creepiest looking place on earth.

Lauren waste no time opening the car door and rushing towards the entrance of the eerie rest stop. I turn the music up to the highest volume to avoid any small talk with the two of them.

Just as I start to doze off, the car door opens and Lauren gets back in the car with a plastic bag full of snacks.

Dad starts the truck back up and we're back on the road again. As I'm staring out the window, I feel Lauren rip out one of my earphones and I look over at her with a blank expression.

"Want some chips?" She holds the open bag towards me. No matter how long I've been living in America, I will never understand why Americans call them chips. The correct term is crisp. Crisp makes so much more sense.

"No." I groan, putting my earphone back in.

Then she pulls it out again. I let out a long irritated sigh.
"What now, Lauren?"

How am I going to last four more hours next to the most annoying person on the planet. I might just take my chances riding in the trunk with our bags.

She rolls up the bag of crisp and wipes the crumbs from around her mouth.

"Is this buzz cut just another phase?" Lauren runs her hand over the dark stubble on my head and I smack it away.

Here she goes again, being all touchy- feely. Its been several years and she still doesn't understand the meaning of personal space.

"Is your constant talking just a phase?" Its a weak comeback, but it's the first thing I can think of off the top of my head.

"Nope, I just like annoying you." She laughs kicking off her boots and putting her feet on the seat next to me. I scoot closer to the window.

"Well, you're pretty good at it." Why the hell am I arguing with a 16 year old?

As the road stretches on for what feels like forever, Lauren soon falls asleep and I thank God. I lean my head against the window and I doze off as I watch the sun rise outside of it.

I wake up to the sound of rocks being crushed underneath the tires of the truck. The sun nearly blinds me when I open my eyes to see what's going on. As soon as my eyes adjust to the lighting, I start to see snow on the ground instead of what I thought was rocks.

Lauren is awake too, her hair a mess from the position she was sleeping in. I watch as she stares out of the window at the falling snow as if she's never seen it a day in her life. Winters in Bradford were much worse than this.

"Its this one right here." Carla says to dad and he follows the direction of her pointed finger.

I turn around in my seat to look through the back window, and I see a few small houses made of wood, and lots of trees. So many fucking trees.

"I cant believe we're here!" Carla praises. We pull up to what I'm guessing to be the cabin that she says she owns. The woman quickly undoes her seat belt and steps out of the car, letting the cold air inside. Lauren follows after her mother, not bothering to close her door.

Dad turns around in the driver seat to look at me while ripping the key out of the ignition. I give him a blank stare.


"If you're going to tell me to behave this week, don't bother wasting your breath." I take the words out of his mouth. I'm 18, I don't need to be told to behave.

He looks at me fixedly with a raised brow.

"This is supposed to be a fun week. Don't ruin it by starting any trouble." He tells me

My eyes roll to the back of my head.

"Because I'm so good at that, right?" I swear, all he thinks I'm good for is starting trouble.

"I'm serious." He says.

"Don't worry, I won't ruin you guy's trip." Hence the sarcasm in my voice.

He undoes his seat belt and stuff the truck keys in the pocket of his sweats.

"You mean our trip."

I pull my hood up to cover my head from cold air as I open the car door. "Whatever." I mumble.

While the rest of them walk inside the cabin, I open the trunk and sling my bag over my shoulder. The snow crunches beneath my feet with each step. I look around the cabin at the frozen trees and falling snow. It isn't as bad as I thought it'd be.


I look to my right to see a boy- no- a girl leaning on one of the trees a few feet away from me. I'd be lying if I said she didn't scare me a bit. She doesn't strike me as a girl. Her hair is cut boy short and she wears a pair of baggy pants and a thin sweater and her bodies lack curves. If it wasn't for her voice I would have thought she was a he.

"You visiting?" She crosses her arms over her chest and I notice a load of tattoos on her hands. I'm already starting to like her.

"Yeah, against my will." I sigh.

She laughs lightly. "Don't worry. It isn't that bad here."

And with a weak wave, she turns around and begins to walk back to the cabin next to the one we're staying in. Jeez, she even walks like a boy. I sort of wish I had gotten her name before she walked off.

I walk towards the entrance of the wooden cabin and the snow on my boots trail onto porch. Lauren walks around what I'm guessing to the the living room. She drags her fingers along the couch as her eyes roam the room. Like I said, she's too damn touchy-feely.

It is pretty nice in here. The walls are lined with a deep red paint and the carpet is black. The furniture looks pretty vintage and shit. I guess I underestimate this place.

My dad and Clara walk back into the room from another part of the cabin that I haven't see yet as I shut the heavy door behind me.

"Where am I staying?" Lauren looks to her mother.

Clara looks at dad then between Lauren and I. Why the hell does she look so nervous?

"Well, there's only two bedrooms, so you and Zayn will have to share." She says.

She's gotta be fucking kidding. I need a cigarette. I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose. That couch is looking more comfortable by the second.

"There's two beds. Don't worry, the room is big enough for the both of you." Dad chimes in.

Am I seriously going to have to spend a week in the same room with a girl who gets under my skin just by talking?
This is going to be a long week.

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