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I've been a mess today. My fingers won't stop shaking and I'm severely paranoid. Now that Harry knows, I feel like everyone knows. Not that he'd tell anyone, but if he heard us, someone else might have.  Calm down, Zayn, you're a mess.

"Zayn." The voice brings me out of my thoughts.

I didn't even notice Lauren standing in front of me at the paying counter. Her school shirt is doing a terrible job at covering a few of the hickeys on her neck.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I rest my elbow on the counter to match her height.

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, but I wanted to come see you."

I then remember the tracker Clara has on her phone, but Lauren quickly clears that up. "I turned off the tracker on my phone so she won't know where I am."

She's smarter than I thought she was.

"You look adorable in your little uniform." She adds. We're required to wear black khakis and a button up shirt with the theater name and logo on the front. At least its all black. The hat is very useful for when I'm dozing off in the break room.

"Stop."  A begin to smile then I think of Harry knowing what's supposed to be a dirty little secret and it disappears.

"Whats wrong?" She asks looking over her shoulders then back to me. Her hands rest on top of mine and I pull them away.

"Harry knows." I tell her. Lauren goes from happy to a deer in head lights once the words come out of my mouth.

Her fingers play with the straps on her book bag as she looks around not knowing what to say. I glance over my shoulder to make sure my bullshit manager doesn't see me slacking. The theater is pretty dead today anyway.

"Wha- how? How could he know?" Her green eyes are wide and anxious. I can almost see streaks of blue in them.

"He heard us, Lauren. Last night." I tell her. Its partially my fault. I'm the idiot that wanted to prove a point.

"Harry won't tell, will he?" Lauren says in a shaky tone.

"Of course not." I say sincerely.

She sighs in relief. "So why should we be worried exactly? "

"We shouldn't be worried, we just need to be fucking careful." I warn her.

"Fine, we'll just be more careful." She promises. "Oh yeah, did dad tell you about his business trip?"

Another business trip my ass. He only goes on business trips to get away from Clara and fuck woman in every state. I don't blame him. I'd want to get away from that Jesus freak every once in awhile too.

"When is he leaving?"

"Tomorrow morning."

"Damn, that soon?" I laugh lightly. I'm guessing he's desperate to get a new piece of ass soon.

"Mhm, I heard them fighting about it this morning. Mom is pretty pissed about the whole thing." A ping comes from the pocket of her sweater and she quickly takes her phone out to answer it.

"I've gotta get back to school. See ya." Lauren turns around and walks out of the theater with a skip in her step. I watch through the glass doors as she approaches a car and hops inside. I don't get a good look at his face, but I can tell it's a guy that she's getting a ride from. Something makes me think that she's riding him. Or maybe that's just me being paranoid.

After a few hours, I finally got off work and all I want to do is sleep. I'm sure Harry is going to try to talk to me about his new found knowledge of me and Lauren, but that's the last conversation I ever want to have with him. I'd much rather sleep after the unnecessary hours I've worked today.

I walk inside the house and it's quiet. Usually Harry is blasting music from my room, but no. Its just an uncomfortable silence. His car is in the driveway, so I know he's here. I climb the stair case slowly.

I'm not ready for what is behind my bedroom door.

Harry's unconscious body is lying on the floor in the most uncomfortable looking position. There's a T-shirt wrapped tightly around one of his biceps and there's a needle stuck in one of the many veins in his arm. I go into a panic.

"Shit." I curse once I put the pieces together.

His entire body twitches violently as I pull his head into my lap and push his hair out of his face. I pry open one of his eyes, and they are dilated to the point that they almost look completely black. I gently take the needle out of his arm and a little bit of blood trickles out. My first instinct is to drag him into the bathroom and shower him in cold water to help him regain consciousness. I think I saw this in a movie once.

"Wake up, Harry." I shout as the cold water from the shower head sprays him from head to toe.

I rip my phone out of my back pocket and I dial 911 with my shaky fingers. The responder answers with a calm tone.

"911, what's your em-"

"My friend is unconscious and I don't know what to fucking do." I say turning off the useless cold water and shaking Harry in hopes that he'll open his eyes.

"Ok, calm down sir. Is he breathing?"
If I could wring this girl's neck, I would.

"H-he-" I pause to take a breath. "He's breathing but he's not waking up. He had a needle in his arm, but that's pretty much all I know."

I give her my address and she tells me paramedics are on the way. I hang up and throw my phone somewhere on the bathroom floor, not caring if it breaks of not. I've got bigger problems now.

I hastily undo the shirt he tied around his arm. The tightness of the shirt cut off his circulation, causing the rest of his arm to turn blue and purple. His fingers begin to twitch much like his body did minutes ago.

"Fuck, Harry. I thought you said you were done with that shit." I speak to his unconscious body. All that talk about him not wanting to be like his parents was bullshit.

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