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It's been a week. A week with no Lauren, easy work and lots of conversations with Ivy. Things are looking up.

"So she's a reader?" I tease Ivy as I approach her. She found a spot in the courtyard under one of the many trees to read what looks like a romance novel. She snatches one headphone out and looks up at me from her spot on the ground.

"Does that surprise you?" Ivy asks with one brow raised. Why so defensive?

I lower myself to the browning grass beside her as she marks her page and shuts the book.

"Not at all. I'm a bit of a book worm myself. But no one needs to know that." I whisper the last part and she giggles.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, really."

Ivy tucks a curl behind her ear and looks at me curiously. She must be in a good mood because her eyes are so bright today. The only thing that bugs me only the slightest bit are those black wrists bands. She catches me staring at them and quickly pulls down the sleeves of her thin jacket to cover them up.

"W-Who's your favorite author?" Ivy changes the subject. For her sake, I shrug off my curiosities.

"Stephen King."

"That's not surprising. You seem like a dark-fantasy type of guy."

I love it when she tries to figure me out. That's what trying to do to her; figure her out until there is nothing left to figure out.

"And you," I pause to pointing to the cover of her book. "definitely seem like the romance novel type of girl."

We go on about different authors and genres of books. I never thought I could have so much fun talking about reading until I met Ivy. Worn out with the on-going conversation, Ivy changes the subject.


"What?" I ask.

"You're actually the first person that I've had a conversation with since I've been here. Well, other than my professors." Ivy admits.

"That can't be true. You must have other friends. What about your roommate? What about..Lauren?" Dammit, I was just starting to forget about her.

Ivy release a long sigh. How could a girl like her not have friends? Then again, she does seem like the antisocial type.

"My roommate and I barely speak and every time I see Lauren she looks at me like I kidnapped her unborn child."

Why would Lauren have any reason to hate Ivy? They looked like they got along well the other night.

"Well, it's only the first week. Things will get better."

"I hope so," she says hopelessly.

Shit, she's sad. Think quick, Zayn. Then, an idea pops into my head.

"How about you and me go catch a movie tonight? That would be fun, right?"

Ivy looks at me and quickly covers her mouth before she bursts into a fit of laughter.

"What's funny?" I cross my arms in amusement. The one time I ask a cute girl on a date, she laughs. Wait...a date?

She recovers from her outburst and looks at me, trying her hardest to hold in her high-pitched giggles.

"First of all, it's you and I. Secondly, did you really just.... ask me out?"

"I did," I said proudly "and I can say you and me anytime I want, smart ass. So, yes or no, Ivy?"

I play with one of the many curls resting on her shoulders and Ivy smiles again. I can't help but notice the way she covers her mouth each time she smiles. Her smile is so beautiful. I hate when she covers it up.

"I'd like that a lot."

I can hear the happiness in her voice. She looks over my shoulder and her smile slowly starts to disappear until it's gone completely. I turn around to see Lauren walking our way.

Fuck me.

It's been such a good week. I have a bad feeling it's about to come to an end.

At least she's fully clothed this time. Well, if wearing an extremely tight pair of leggings and a t-shirt is considered fully clothed. Her hair is tied back in pony tail exposing her many ear piercings.

"H-Hey, I'm gonna go. See you tonight?" Ivy says as she collects her things and stands from the ground.

"Yeah, I'll see you tonight," I assure her, standing from the ground as well.

Ivy walks away in a hurry, leaving me with the last person I wanted to talk to. Slowly, I turn around to face Lauren who's staring at me expectantly.

"Well...someone was in a rush to get away from me." Lauren glances at Ivy as she walks away.

"She says you don't like her."

Lauren scoffs and rolls her eyes nonchalantly.

"Why would she say that?"

"You give her a look every time she sees you." I'm not throwing Ivy under the bus here. I just want to know what Lauren's problem is. It's only been a week and she's already starting problems. Great.

"Oh, please. I give everyone 'a look'. She needs to get over herself."

Her attitude has changed too. Where the hell did this bitchy Lauren come from?

"Maybe you shouldn't give her 'a look'."

"Ugh, she's too sensitive. Her sister is the complete opposite."


"Ivy has a sister?"

Lauren looks at me dumbfounded.

"Uh, yeah. Irene? She's my roommate."

Ivy never said anything about a sister. Maybe there is still more to figure out about her. There's so much more I want to know.

"They don't get along though," Lauren quickly adds, playing with a strand of her short hair. "Irene says her sister is a weirdo."

I scoff in annoyance. "There's nothing wrong with Ivy."

Lauren raises an eyebrow and clicks her tongue.

"Look at you getting all defensive over a girl. You two must be getting serious, huh?"

"That's none of your business," I point out, staring down at her with nothing but seriousness.

The last thing I need is Lauren butting into my life. The best thing I can do is leave out as many details as possible when it comes to me and Ivy. Or should I say Ivy and I.

"Fine. I'll leave you alone with your feelings."

I say nothing. Lauren takes a step forward so that our bodies are inches apart. I look around to make sure no one is around to see us so close.

"I hope the two of you work out. Soon, she'll want to know everything about you, Zayn. Secrets don't stay secrets forever." Lauren pats my chest with a condescending grin and walks off.

I choose not to let the words sink in. Instead, I walk in the opposite direction thinking about no one else but Ivy, forcing Lauren completely out of my mind.

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