Mr Riptide's dare

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Thor: Riptide, it's time.

Riptide: No, I can't.

Thor: You HAVE to!

Riptide: Why?


Riptide: Cause why?

Thor: Cause it's funny.

Riptide: Only a MOUSE would find this funny!

Explodingtnt: I find that offensive!!👿👿😥

Riptide: Ok... Sorry?

Explodingtnt: Apology accepted, once you do ze dare.

Riptide: *sigh* Fine...

2 hours later...

Riptide: THERE I DID IT!

Meanwhile the seawing Queendom is in complete and utter chaos because Riptide ripped very badly.

Random Seawing: Oh the stench, it burns, IT BURNS!

Another Random Seawing: Oh gosh, it's too much to bare! Into the water!

Queen Coral: What happened to the water!?!? It's turned into pizza!!

Ze Seawings: NUUUUUUU!! Why!?!?

Thor: Trololololololooooool! Lolololololololol!!!

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