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Thor: Lol I iz bord... Omg I doze da night nose!

Starflight: Your going to leave? The book is in a rut so you sho-

Thor: LOL not Sally droogon duuuuuge done 

Starflight: What?

Thor: Crossy cross crossover Tim!!!! Lolllolloolooloollooloolloooloooollloollolloooopllollohthehyxgxjdihcnixyh pizza yay!!!!

Starflight: God help them...

Love lol time to git Becky pecky to le gibberish:.. Cause it's foooooon! Lollokjsoodjxpxjhsjzihxhdiyxhsopzpjzhyszj😈😢👽👽😧😻😮😸👺😱👤🌞🌎🎍🌎🌎🎍🕸🌴🌏🌕🎋🎃🎍🌕🌕🌴🌸🎍🎃🎍🎃🌱💐👻🎋👻🌏👻💤💩😃💩💩💩💩😧💩🎋😧👤👤💩😧💩😱😃😱🕸👺👤🎋😮😮🎋😮🎋🎋😮👻👻👻🎍😃😃💩💩💩💩💩Lollokjsoodjxpxjhsjzihxhdiyxhsopzpjzhyszj loons benchmark lol

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