That little Whore

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I walked in to school and was immediatly surrounded by my friends.

"Look Lily" Sara said while giving me her phone.

I looked down to see Bianca's facebook.On her bio the word B.O.E.(Brenden over everything)  was written.

"Seriously "!

Who did she think she was?I looked at her friends on facebook and saw that he was there.So he knew about this and he was still friends with her on facebook.

"Bullshit"I said.

I held up Sara's phone so they could see that,he was her friend on facebook.

"Wow"Diana said.

Honestly I had never been angrier in my life then now.Tears of frustration fell out my eyes.

"Awww,Lily don't cry" Jane said.

"No I'm only crying cause I'm honestly so fucking pissed right now,I just didn't know what to do"I said while wiping the tears away angrily.

They tried to comfort me but I brushed them off and went into my class.


*Brenden's P.O.V.*

I was waiting for Lily to come when Bianca came out of nowhere and started to talk to me.

"Why Lily"?

"What bullshit is coming out of your mouth now" I asked her.

"Why do you like her"?

"That's none of your business".

"Seriously though, you could have me but you choose to go after a girl who lost her memory and the one thing she can't seem to remember is you" she said.

My blood boiled.I moved closer to her and she started smirking.

"Let's see if maybe you can actually fucking hear me now when I tell you for the hundreth time that she is better than you".

Her smirk disappeared and she looked at me angrily.All of a sudden her eyes focused on something behind me.A smile replaced the scowl on her face.I tried to turn around but before I could she grabbed my face.

"Why don't you give your girlfriend a kiss"she said.

Before I could process what was going on she leaned in and kissed me.I stood there in shock while she kissed me.Finally after realizing what was happening I pulled away.That kiss was fucking horrible.Her lips weren't even close to being as perfect as Lilys.Lily's lips were fuller and softer.I wiped my hand across my mouth.

"What-"I started to say before hearing footsteps.

I turned around to see Lily running down the hallway.

*Lily's P.O.V.*

I didn't stop running until I was far away from them.It all made sense now.Her facebook bio.The way he hadn't said anything about it.
She was his girlfriend.He had been using me the whole time.They probably kept their relationship a secret.
That little whore.No actually she was his little whore.The perfect couple.A heartless bitch for the heartless player that played with my heart.
Tears began to run down my face.I felt sick with disgust.How could he like such a shallow girl?
I ran to the nearest trashcan and threw up.After a while I finally threw everything in me up.I wiped my mouth with my sleeve and went into the bathroom.
I looked in the mirror.My face was puffy from crying and my hair was all over the place.I texted my friends and they immediatly came to help me.

"What happened"? Diana said.

I didn't want to talk about it ever but I knew if I didn't tell them now I would have to tell them eventually.

"I saw them kissing".

"Them.As in Bianca and Brenden"? she asked.

I nodded.

"That's it somebody get me a knife".Sara said

"Or a fork"she added.

I laughed and told her to calm down.Somehow my friends maneged to make me look like a human being again.We walked out the bathroom and bumped into none other than the piece of trash himself.


"No don't you fucking Lily me.I saw you kissing that Bitch ok.I won't listen to your lies anymore.I am glad I don't remember the bullshit that you said to me before the accident.Have fun with your little girlfrend.You guys deserve each other" I said.

Normally I wouldn't have cursed that much in a sentence but that had changed.He turned me into a heartless girl.I turned around and started to walk away but before I could he grabbed my wrist and turned me back around.My heart immediatly sped up and I cursed myself for still feeling this way when he touched me.

"Let go of her"Jane and Diana said at the same time.

He let me go and I ran away from him.He couldn't see me cry.I wouldn't let him.

*Brenden's P.O.V.*

I watched Lily run away from me.I turned towards her friends and they glared at me angrily.

"That girl loved you.Did you know that?Do you think she would've gained interest in you again if she hadn't loved you.You ruined it" one of them said.

Her name was Diana I think and she looked pretty pissed.

"Look it wasn't like that"-I began to say before being cut off.

"Save your excuses for someone who cares.I can't believe I came up to you and told you stuff about her"she said.

The other two stood there nodding.When they saw me look,one of them rolled their eyes and the other one stuck up the middle finger.
I recognized the one who stuck up the middle finger.She was in my science class.

"If you would just listen to me for one second"-

"No thanks" the one who rolled her eyes said.

Then they walked away and left me standing there.

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