The Fight

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*Lily's P.O.V.*

I was walking down the hallway with Jane and Diana when I saw people run down the hallway.At this school it meant there was a fight.I rolled my eyes and walked the opposite way.

"Lily" someone yelled across the hallway.

I turned around and saw Wendell running towards me.He was coming from the direction of the fight.I immediatly broke out in a cold sweat.It felt like my heart had stop beating.

"Brenden....fight....Justin" he said.

That's all I needed to hear.I immediatly ran towards the direction of the fight.Wendell and my friends followed.
I got to the end of the hallway and saw that,there was already a group of people gathered.I pushed my way to the front.When I finally got there, I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
Brenden and Justin really were fighting.Justin was taller and broader then Brenden so he got a few hits every now and then.But Brenden moved pretty fast and dodged most of them.

"Stop it"! I screamed.

Brenden immediatly turned around and looked at me.Since he was distracted Justin maneged to punch him right in the stomach.

"Nooo"I screamed.

I tried to run towards him but Jane and Diana held me back.

"Why aren't you stopping this"I asked Wendell.

"I can't exactly stop this without help"he said.

He was right.He wouldn't be able to.Brenden didn't seem that hurt.Instead of hurting him that punch seemed to have fueled his anger.He dodged a couple of hits and maneged to punch Justin in the face.They were going to kill eachother.
I looked around and saw Roger towards the end of the group.Justin was one of his friends

"Get Justin away from Brenden"I said.

He nodded and ran towards them.He managed to get Justin to stop and pushed him away from Brenden.
Wendell also pushed Brenden up against the wall and was trying to get him to calm down.
The group of people left and pretty soon only a few people were still there.I was walking towards them when I felt someone pull my hair.
I cried out in pain and turned around.
Bianca was standing there with a sneer on her face.

"You see what you cause,you stupid Bitch".

"Excuse me" I said.

"They were fighting cause of you and now thanks to you Brenden's hurt.You don't fucking deserve him.If you hadn't been here,this would've never happened"she said.

"Are you kidding me.You don't even know what happened".

"Yes I do and I should be with Brenden not you.We make a way better couple.You know like that time you saw us kissing".

My anger reached a level it had never reached before and I couldn't control my following actions.I yanked a hair tie off my wrist,put my hair up, and pulled her hair.She immediatly responded and smacked me in the face.That made me angrier and I slapped her back.Soon we were full on fighting.
I heard people shouting and running but I didn't care.This girl had tested my limits and I wasn't gonna let her go easily.
I pulled her hair again and dragged her down the hallway.She managed to free herself and punch me right in the chest.I went out of breath for a second.
I recovered and punched her right in the face.She screamed and grabbed her face.Then she grabbed me and tried to pull my hair but all she maneged to do was scratch my arms when I pushed her away.She still hadn't put her hair up which was stupid because it made beating her up easier.I grabbed it again and pulled it.
I was in the middle of doing this when I felt someone grab my arms and pull me away.
I immediatly knew it was Brenden.I tried to get him off of me but he was too strong.He pulled me down the hallway and pinned me against the wall.One of his hands was holding my wrists over my head and the other was on my face.He was trying to get me to look at him and I kept turning my face the other way.

"Lily, look at me".

I sighed and looked at him.His cheeks were pink and his lip was a little swollen.

"I'm not gonna ask you why you did what you did cause I heard what she said to you and I understand why you did that.I just want you to calm down" he said.

He rubbed his thumb on my cheek and wiped away the tear that had fallen.I had gotten so caught up in my anger that I hadn't even realized I was crying.I didn't really know why I was crying.I'm guessing this was the only way I knew how to deal with all the emotions I was feeling today.
He let go of me and I collapsed into his arms.He hissed in pain and wrapped his arms around me.

"What's wrong"I asked.


I remembered the punch he had recieved on his stomach and lifted his shirt up.Wow, he had really nice abs.I stopped staring at his abs and noticed the bruise that was forming on his stomach.

"Really that's nothing" I said while putting his shirt back down.

"Yea,that's nothing your kisses can't fix".

I smiled and he pulled me close.When his lips were almost on mine,I turned my face and moved away from him.

"Nice try but you can't distract me.Come on,you need ice for that".

He sucked his teeth and followed me to the nurses office.

"You have a red spot on your cheek but don't worry I'm sure my kisses will fix that"he said while trying to kiss me.

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