The Fair pt.4

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*Brenden's P.O.V*

I knew I fucked up but what was I suppose to do.I had a habit of running to another girl when Lily wouldn't talk to me.Even though I knew she was just being petty and playing around I still got mad.I stared at her the whole entire time and she wouldn't even look at me.It reminded me of when she was too shy to talk to me.It angered me and I always ran to another girl to try to forget Lily.She was always the one I came back to.Even though I hated the look on her face whenever she saw me with another girl,I still got happy because she cared.She was always there.I always saw her.Even outside of school.I liked the way she acted when she caught me staring across the street.She always tried to act subtle but I knew that she was pretty scared.I was scared too, but I always hoped that she would eventually get tired of me staring at her and talk to me.

I knew I had taken it too far this time.I hadn't even realized what I was doing until Hailey said the words:I hate you Brenden.Lily had told me before that those were the words every girl said when I was flirting with them.

She said she hated those words and that if they ever came out her mouth she unlike "those hoes" actually meant them.

I honestly didn't even know I was flirting with Hailey.Thats just how I acted around her.It didn't mean anything to me and I hadn't even seen it in that way.But I had to admit I had been a little too close to her.Lily was watching and I should've stopped when I saw the look on her face but I didn't.Finally after some time we reached the front of the line.When Lily got her candy apple, I paid for it.
She looked at me angrily and walked away.I followed her and grabbed her arm.

"Don't touch me"she said.

"Why are you mad"?

"You didnt have to pay for it.I could've paid for it myself.Only boyfriends pay for their girls stuff and I'm not your girl"she said angrily.


"Nope.Im done with your bullshit."

She handed me the candy apple and walked back towards her friends.I sighed and threw the candy apple away.
Everyone else was having a fun time and we could've been too if she wasn't so petty.All of a sudden I got angry.When ever she was angry I got angry too.Sometimes I just wanted to fucking grab her and kiss the anger away.She always calmed me down.
We decided to go back to one of her friends house.I think it was the one named Jane.

"Isn't your sister home"Lily asked her.

"No,if she comes back it will probably be late".



Its been a fucking hour.We have all been hanging out at Jane's house for one hour and Lily is still fucking ignoring me.Everyone else was doing something.Jake and one of her friends were finally flirting.Luke and the girl from my science class were making out.And Jane was sitting on Zachs lap.
Lily sat at the other end of the room on her phone.She would occasionally look up and see me staring.Whenever she looked up,she rolled her eyes.
I was getting angrier by the second and it took everything in me not to go and see what was so damn interesting on her phone.
Finally Jake and I think her name was Diana stopped flirting and noticed me and Lily having a staring contest across the room.

"Are you guys seriosuly going to do this all night"Jake asked.

"He's the one who messed up"Lily said.

"We wouldn't be in this situation if you weren't so fucking petty"I said to her.

She opened her mouth to speak but before she could Diana interrupted her.

"Ok I know how we can fix this"she said.

Diana turned towards the others and they whispered something to eachother.
All of a sudden Jake and Zach grabbed me by my arms and dragged me towards a door.

"What the fuck are you guys doing"I said.

I saw Luke pick up a screaming and writhing Lily.They opened the door and I was dragged in to what Im guessing was a closet.

Three seconds later they dragged Lily in.After they dragged her in, they closed the closet door and locked us in.Lily immediately started pounding on the door.

"Let us out"she screamed.

"Not until you guys makeup"they said.

"Can we at least get some food"she asked


She sighed and sat down in a corner.I got up and tried to open the door even though I knew it was locked.

"You guys listen,there's nothing to talk about"I said.

"Sure.We aren't going to let you out. ok?So stop trying".

"Fuck you guys"I said.

They left and I sat down.The closet was pretty small.If I streched my legs out I could touch Lily.
I looked up at her and saw that once again she was on her phone.I couldn't help but snatch it from her hand and look at what she was doing.
She was texting some girl from our school.

"Give it back to me"she said.

"Come and get it"I said hoping she moved closer.

She moved closer and I moved the phone away from her reach.I kept doing that until she was basically jumping up and down.But the closet was small.So, when she grabbed my collar and pulled me forwards I tripped and fell on top of her.She fell back and pretty soon we were on the floor.
I looked at her with Wide eyes and she gasped.

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