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I looked on my dresser and saw the sunglasses I 'borrowed' from Alison DiLaurentis, my sister, Hanna Marin's, best friend, and someone I looked up to. I thought of her as another older sister. Even though she could be a mega-bitch sometimes, she was never one to me. She always treated me with kindness and always stood up for me, even if I was wrong. I plucked the sunglasses off my dresser and walked to Spencer Hastings' barn, where my sister and her friends were having their annual back to school sleepover. Much to Ali's protests, I wasn't invited. And I wasn't mad about that, this was their thing, and I didn't want to impose. I was always afraid of being the 'tag-along' sister. A flash of yellow snapped me out of my thoughts. I've seen horror movies, so I stayed away from that yellow flash. You may be thinking, what's a 14 year old doing walking around alone at night? But this is Rosewood, it's a smiley, perfect town. Crimes are almost never comitted, and everyone knows each other. I reached Spencer's barn and walked in.
"Ali?! Spencer?!"Emily Fields asked.
"No." I replied. "Just Addison."
"Addison, why are you here?" My sister, Hanna, asked annoyed.
"Just returning the sunglasses I borrowed from Ali." I responded. "Where is Ali?" I asked realizing my blonde friend wasn't in the barn. "And Spencer?" I realized Spencer wasn't here either.
"We don't know." Aria Montgomery said panicked. Aria was the older brother of my best friend and life-long crush, Mike Montgomery.
"We don't know, Addy." Hanna said. "We just woke up and they're not here."
"Where coul-" Before I could finish my question the barn door creaked.
"Ali?" Aria asked.
"She's gone." A voice said. It was Spencer.
"What do you mean she's gone?" Aria asked worried.
"I've looked everywhere for her." Spencer said. "I think I heard a scream."
"The yellow flash."
The poster stared back at me. 'Still Missing' with a picture of Alison DiLaurentis. Today was her one year anniversary. They haven't found her, or her body yet, so she could still be alive. But as time went on, less and less people believed that.
After Ali went missing, Emily, Hanna, Aria, and Spencer drifted apart. Emily started focusing on swim, Hanna reinvented herself and Mona Vanderwal, Aria and her family moved to Iceland, and Spencer focused on her studies. Mike Montgomery was one of my only friends, so when he moved away, I was kinda a loner at Rosewood Day. So Mona and Hanna took me under their wing, much to my protests. I hang out with them sometimes, but mostly it's just me.
I could've sworn I saw Mike get out of a car, but he was in Iceland, wasn't he? I brushed it off and walked to my locker when someone put their hands over my eyes. "Guess who." The mysterious person said.
"Well your voice is a little too low to be Mona or Hanna, so I'm stumped." I said. "Give me a clue."
"It's someone who if you forgot them in the past year, they will be very mad at you." The mystery guy said again. It sounded exactly like Mike, but it couldn't be him.
"You sound like one of my best friends, but it can't be him." I wondered aloud.
"But it is!" He said taking his hands off my eyes.  I turned around and their was Mike Montgomery staring back at me.
"Mike!" I squealed and hugged him. "I can't believe you moved back!"
"Me either." He responded. "Aria wanted to surprise you but I saw you and I couldn't do it."
I laughed. "So how long are you staying?"
"Forver." He said.
The bell rang. "We're about to be in trouble forever."
"We're late!" I giggled and grabbed his hand and ran to class. My phone buzzed. It said I had a text.
'We wouldn't want anyone to find out about your pretty little lover, would we now? Kisses -A'
I thought back to that day.
"Addy!" A fourteen year old Mike called.
"Hey Mike!" I smiled back.
"Happy birthday!" He pulled out a box. "I got this for you." It was a picture of us in a frame.
"Thank you so much Mike!" I hugged him. "I love it!"
"Wouldn't you two be the cutest thing on the planet." Ali said walking up next to me.
I blushed bright red but tried to cover it up by laughing. "Hysterical, Ali."
"I gotta go, talk to you later!" Mike said and left.
"Bye!" I said. Then I turned to a smirking DiLaurentis. "Why would you say that?" I whined.
"So you admit it, you do." She said wiggling her eyebrows.
"Ali, promise me you won't tell anyone." I begged. "Please don't say anything."
"It's so obvious he likes you back." Ali said.
"Ali, I mean it. No one can know. My life will be ruined." I said. "Don't tell a soul."
"Don't tell a soul what?" Aria asked turning the corner with Emily, Spencer, and Hanna behind her.
"That Addison," Ali started and I gave her a 'please' look. "That Addison failed her math test."
"Mom is not gonna be happy." Hanna said walking away with everyone but Ali and I.
"Thank you Ali." I said.
"Eventually they'll find out." Ali said. "I'm not quite sure if they'll find out from me or not."
"Alison?" I breathed.
I stared at Aria and Mike's door. Just knock. I thought to myself. What are you so afraid of? So I 'yolo'd' it and just knocked. I was expecting Aria to answer, but instead it was Mike. "Oh, hey Addison." He smiled.
"Hey Mike, is Aria home? I really have to talk to her about something." I asked. I was going to talk to her about the 'A' message I got. I couldn't concentrate all day after I got the message. The only person that knew I liked Mike was Ali, and she even admitted that she might be the one to tell them. But it couldn't be Alison. Even if I didn't want to admit it, Ali was dead.
"Yeah," Mike started, snapping me out of my thoughts. "She's in the back with Emily."
"Thanks." I smiled and walked to the back of the Montgomery house. "Hey guys."
"Oh, hey Addison." Aria said.
"Hi Addison." Emily said.
"Sorry for just coming over without saying anything," I started. but I got a text before-"
"From 'A'?" Aria asked.
"You guys too?" Emily asked stunned.
"Do you really think it's her?" I asked. "Is it possible?"
"It was something only Alison could've known." Emily said.
"Same for me." I said.
"Known what?" Aria asked. Oh no.
"It was-it was uh-" I stuttered.
"Personal?" Aria asked. I nodded.
"I really thought she was dead." Emily said.
"We all did." Aria said.
"Could she really be back?" I asked.
"I think she's playing with us." Aria whispered.
"Why would she do that?" I asked.
"It's Alison that we're talking about here." Emily said. "Wasn't that her favorite sport?"
"Should we tell someone?" I asked.
Aria started shaking her head. "I don't know about you, but I can't."
I decided to change the subject. "I'm glad you and Mike are back."
"It's funny, even though I grew up here, I feel like a total outsider." Aria said.
"Me too." Emily said.
My phone buzzed and they looked at me with horror in their eyes. I was so afraid to look at it. But I took a deep breath,  summoned all my courage, and opened my phone.
Come home for dinner -Mom
"It's just my mom." I said. Emily and Aria breathed out a sigh of relief. "She wants me home for dinner."
"Bye." They said.
"Thanks for being there to talk to." I said.
"We're friends, it's our job." Emily said.
"I'm home mom!" I said walking in.
"I got a call from Ella Montgomery today," Mom said to Hanna and I. "Why didn't you tell me Aria was back?"
"It's not like we're friends anymore." Hanna said.
"Mom, I was just at her house." I said.
"She didn't know your father left." My mom sighed. "I hate telling the story."
"So change the story like Hanna and I did." I said.
"You grew up," Hanna started.
"Grew apart," I finished.
"It was mutual." Hanna added.
"And we're much happier without him." I said.
Mom smiled. "Girls-"
"Say it enough and you'll actually start to believe it." Hanna cut off mom.
"It does sound better than the truth." Mom said.
"Nobody needs to know we got dumped, Mom." I said.
"We didn't get dumped." Mom said. "I did."
"He left all three of us." I said.
Hanna's phone went off. What if it was A?
"If that's Mona I'm staging an intervention." Mom said. Hanna's eyes got wide. Was it A? "Hanna, it's dinnertime." Mom's phone rang and she picked it up. "It's Ashley." She answered. The doorbell rang.
"I'll get it." I said. It was a cop and some dude in a suit.
"Hanna Marin?" Suit dude asked.
"Afraid you got the wrong Marin." I said. "Hanna!" I called. "It's for you."
"What's up?" She asked coming to the door.
"Is your mom home?" Suit dude asked showing a detective's badge.
"I'm gonna call you back." Mom said to the person on the phone. "What's this about?" Mom asked.
"We received a video from Rosewood Mall Security." Suit dude said. "We have your blonde on tape shoplifting a pair of sunglasses." Hanna shifted uncomfortably.
"I'm sure there's been a mistake." Mom said.
"I don't think so." Suit dude said pulling out handcuffs. "Could you turn around?" He asked Hanna. She obeyed and looked as if she was about to cry.
I learned Suit Dude's name was really officer Wilden, and he was with the police. I was sitting with Hanna in the police station. "Han, I'm sure everything's gonna be okay." I said. Hanna's phone buzzed. What if it was A? By the looks of it, it was. Hanna's eyes got wide and she looked around. "Everything okay?" I asked.
"Yeah, it was just Mona." She said.
"Okay..." I said not really believing her.
About an hour later, Mom walked out of Wilden's office. "Let's go." Mom said.
"Wait, really?" Hanna asked in shock.
There was an uncomfortable silence in the car. Until Mom broke it. "In this town, what people think of you, matters."
"I know." Hanna said softly.
"Then why did you risk it all to steal a pair of sunglasses?" Mom asked. "Hanna, I buy you everything you need to be popular.
"That's not why I do it." Hanna snapped.
"Then why?" Mom asked. "Wait, this is something you do?"
"A few times." Hanna mumbled. 
Realization hit Mom's face. "This is about your father, isn't it." Silence. "You think this is gonna give you protection?"
"I made a mistake." Hanna said quietly.
"In this town you don't have room to make mistakes." Mom scolded. "and neither do I."
"I'm sorry." Hanna said on the verge of tears. "I'll fix it somehow."
"You will deny you did anything wrong." Mom said. "Do you understand me?"
"What?" Hanna asked.
"I'm taking care of it." Mom said.
How was Mom taking care of it? As long as my sister didn't have to go to jail, because orange was not her color.
Okay not only that, also because I would miss her like crazy.
There were ambulances and police cars zooming down the street. I realized where they were going. "They're going down Emily's street!" I exclaimed.
"Mom, go down there." Hanna said.
"You are grounded, Hanna." Mom said. "You're not going anywhere."
"But Mom," I said. "what if it's Emily?"
She sighed and turned down Emily's street. When she stopped Hanna and I jumped out of the car. There was a huge crowd forming around Emily's house and Alison's old house. Someone else bought Alison's house, it was some girl named Maya, and she was in Hanna's grade. I spotted Aria and Spencer in the crowd.
"I heard the police took Hanna to the police station today." I heard Aria say.
"You don't think she talked about-"
I cut off Spencer. "The Jenna Thing?" Yes, that was one of the few things I was actually there for. And sometimes I wish I wasn't.
"We made a promise." Hanna said.
Hanna and I were watching the news later that night.
"The current people who reside in the house were in the process of demolition to make room for an extension when they found the young girl's body." The News Anchor said. "It has been confirmed that the body belongs to Alison DiLaurentis. It is a very sad ending to a year long mystery."
Hanna shut off the T.V. The front door slammed open. I huddle closer to Hanna. We turned and saw it was Officer Wilden and our Mom. They were making out. Officer Wilden started to lead Mom upstairs to her room when she turned around and looked back at us. Geez they couldn't do this at his place or something? Was the only thought that rang in my head.
The next day there was a memorial service for Ali. There were hundreds of people there, and Ali would have loved all the attention.
"Mrs. DiLaurentis," I said.
"Hi Hanna, Addison." Mrs. DiLaurentis. "I saved a bench up in the front for you girls, it's what Alison would've wanted."
"Of course." Hanna said. Mrs. DiLaurentis looked at me.
"Oh, you want me to sit with them too?" I asked.
"Sweetie, it's no secret Alison thought of you as a best friend." Mrs. DiLaurentis said. "So we want you in the front with her other best friends."
"Thank you Mrs. D." I said.
"It's the least I can do."
I saw Mike waving at me out of the corner of my eye. "You go ahead Hanna, I'll be there in a minute." She nodded.
"Hey." I said to Mike. He didn't say anything, he just pulled me into a hug. "Thanks. I really needed that."
"Hey, I'm there for you." Mike said. "You wanna sit next to me?"
"I wish I could, but Mrs. DiLaurentis wants me up there with the other girls, for Ali." I said. Ugh of course Ali, you made me have to turn him down. "Sorry."
"It's alright, I'll call you later." He said.
"I'll answer your call." I said walking away. "'I'll answer your call'? Really?" I walked over to the bench to see Emily drinking out of my sister's flask. We all said a quick hello and Aria's phone rang. We all looked at each other nervously.
"Anyone we know?" Hanna asked.
"No it's just my mom sending me a text." Aria said. "Emily, Addy, and I aren't the only ones who got a text from 'A' are we." Hanna and Spencer quickly shook their heads no.
I looked behind me. "Oh my god." I whispered. Standing there was Jenna Marshall. "It's Jenna."
"Did you see Jenna Marshall was here?" Mrs. DiLaurentis asked. "I didn't know her and Ali were friends."
"They weren't." Spencer said. I looked back at Jenna and I could swear she was staring right back at me. But that was impossible, she was blind. I knew that for a fact.
We all walked out of the service with linked arms. "Emily, Spencer, Addison, Hanna, Aria." Officer Wilden said. Hanna and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes.
"Do we know you?" Spencer asked.
"I'm Detective Wilden," He said giving Spencer his badge. "I understand you guys were close friends with the victim?"
"Best friends." Aria confirmed.
"I'm gonna need to talk to each one of you." Wilden said.
"We talked to the police when Alison went missing." Spencer said.
"And I intend to go over each of your statements." Wilden said. "Because this is no longer a missing persons investigation, it's a murder." We all looked at each other. "And rest assured I will find out what happened that summer night."
"Do you think he knows about-" Aria started.
"No, how could he?" Hanna interrupted.
I opened my mouth to say something but all of our phones went off at the same time.
"Oh my god." Emily said.
"It's from-"Aria started.
"I got one too." Hanna said.
"This isn't possible." Spencer said.
"I'm still here, bitches-" I read the text out loud.
"And I know everything." We all finished. "-A"

{word count: 2762}

*author's note- AH OMG THE FIRST CHAPTER IS UPPPP🎉 omg I'm so excited for this story!! I hope you liked it! Remember to vote, comment, and add to library!❤️*

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