-To Kill A Mocking Girl-

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"Whose idea was this, again?" Hanna asked, as we were walking through the woods looking for the shed that Alison, Emily, Hanna, Spencer, Aria, and I used to go to all the time.
"Emily's mom." Spencer answered my sister.
"No," Emily protested. "The shed was my idea, my mom just said we should do something."
"Can we do something without mosquitos?" Hanna asked.
"They're gnats." I corrected my sister.
"Whatever!" Hanna exclaimed. "They're small and annoying, and they're flying up my nose."
"Well, they're attracted to your perfume." Aria said.
"And you're hair product." Spencer piped in. "And your lipgloss."
"So what are you saying, I attract flies?" Hanna asked.
"Gnats." I corrected, again.
"Why do I feel like this is the wrong way?" Emily asked.
"It's not." Spencer said. "I remember that tree, it's the halfway point. There's 136 steps left to the shed."
"Have you been out here since...Alison?" Emily asked.
"What?" Spencer asked. "Me? No. No way."
"But you remember that tree." Aria said.
"Guys, it's not that weird." Hanna said. "We used to come out here in eighth grade like every day-even after."
"I think this is totally the wrong place to do this-whatever you call it-shrine." I said.
"It's not a shrine." Emily said. "It's just a place to remember Alison. What's wrong with that?"
"Doing it way out here makes it look like we have something to hide." I explained.
"You care what other people think?" Emily asked.
"Well don't you?" I asked.
"She's right." Spencer said. "I mean, do you really want to give that creepy detective more reasons to question us?" Hanna and I looked at each other at the mention of the 'creepy detective' who kept popping up at our house. Hanna walked away from us, and we quickly followed this.
"Hanna, why have you been so quiet?" Aria asked.
"I'm trying to keep the bugs in my nose and out of my mouth." Hanna said.
"You're allowed to have an opinion on all of this." Emily said.
"You want my opinion?" Hanna asked.
"Oh no." I muttered, knowing that she was going to say something that was either going to piss everyone off, or was so unbelievable that we'd be too shocked to argue with her.
"I say we hold off and not remember her 'till we know for sure she's still not here." Hanna said. Do I know my sister, or do I know my sister?
"What?" Aria asked.
"Do you think she's still alive?" Emily asked.
"Hanna, they found her body." Spencer said.
"Okay, I'm officially scared." Aria said. "Can we just stop-"
"You asked for my opinion." Hanna said. "I don't believe she's really gone."
"We went to her funeral!" I exclaimed.
"And when we left we all got a text from her." Hanna said.
"It wasn't her." Emily argued. "Someone is messing with us."
"How do you know that?" Hanna asked. "And what about all those nasty messages? How does this A person know stuff that only Ali knew?"
"This conversation is giving me a hive." Aria said.
"That's a mosquito bite." Hanna said.
"Spencer, have you gotten any more messages?" Emily asked.
"Haven't you?" Spencer asked. All of the sudden we heard rustling in the bushes.
"Did you hear that?" I whispered to Aria.
"Yes I heard that, I'm standing right next to you." Aria whispered back.
"Hello?" Hanna called out. "Is anybody out there?"
"It's probably a rabbit." Spencer said.
"Hello?" Hanna called out again.
"It's a rabbit, Hanna." I said. "It's not gonna answer you."
"Let's just get to the shed." Emily said. We heard the rustling again in the bushes.
"Okay, that is definitely not a rabbit." Hanna said. "Someone's out there."
"Can we turn around?" I asked, and all the girl's nodded in response. Then our phones started ringing in sync.
Heads up, BFFs. It's open season on liars and I'm hunting...-A
Hanna and I walked downstairs to see Wilden in our kitchen, in a towel.
"Where's my mother?" I asked.
"She ran upstairs for something." He answered, like it was totally normal that he was in our kitchen, almost naked. "I'm trying to figure out what makes this stuff spreadable. You guys want a waffle or something?"
"No." We replied in sync. "Thanks."
"There she is." Wilden said. Hanna and I looked up to see our mother. "It's canola oil!"
"Darren, why don't you get dressed?" Mom said. "I'll take care of breakfast." Wilden nodded, kissed mom on the cheek, and went upstairs.
"So, what? He lives here now?" I asked.
"Get me the milk." Mom ordered.
"So is this like a permanent thing?" Hanna asked, while handing my mother the milk.
"Would you keep your voice down, please?" Mom asked.
"It was one pair of sunglasses, and they were last seasons." Hanna said. "You don't have to do this."
"Do what?" Mom asked.
"Squeeze his grapefruit." I said.
Mom shot me a look. "We will talk after breakfast."
"We don't eat breakfast." Hanna said. "And neither do you."
"Look, until he gets the store to drop the charges for your little shopping spree, we are not kicking anyone to the curb." Mom said. "The last thing we need is an enemy on the police force."
"Look, I get it." I said. "But I didn't count on having to buy him a father's day card."
"Addison!" My Mom yelled. "By the way, if you're buying anyone a card, it should be me."
"I love this color." Mona said about the lipstick Hanna gave her. "You should've stocked up on a few more tubes."
"Well I only have two hands." Hanna said. "Keep it."
"Why?" Mona asked. "Is your mother asking to see receipts?"
Hanna rolled her eyes and called out to her boyfriend. "Sean! What's so funny?"
"Nothin'." Sean said. "Noel's just out of control." They kissed. "Mmm. You smell good."
"Save something for tomorrow night." Noel said.
"What's tomorrow night?" I asked.
"Noel's parents are leaving town." Sean answered.
"It means the party of the year is officially on." Noel said. "Think crazy, think wild, think parental units in a different time zone."
"We gotta get to practice." Sean said, before kissing Hanna again. "Save that smell."
"So, the pressure's on." Mona said after they walked away.
"What do you mean?" Hanna asked.
"Not all of us have a Sean to wear to that party." Mona said. "And I'm not spending my night guarding the bushes so that you two can jump each other's bones."
"We're not going to be doing it in the bushes." Hanna said.
"Have you guys even done it yet?" Mona asked.
"It's not a race, Mona." Hanna said.
"Okay, Mom, seriously." Mona said. "No one's pushing you to be a natty hoe, but if you're not together in that way, how do you know you're even together-together." Hanna looked in Sean's direction with a look of lust on her face. "How long can you wait before you lose him?"
I elbowed Mona in the arm. "That was not the right thing to say." I muttered.
"I said what had to be said." Mona said before walking away.
There was something about her that seemed off to me.
I walked in the school to see Spencer's books fall out of her locker. "How many AP classes can you take before you explode?" I asked looking at a textbook. "Russian History?"
"I'm drowning in that class." Spencer said.
"What's drowning for you?" Aria asked. "B+?"
"No," Spencer said. "The first paper is due Monday and I've written two words-my name."
"Well, what's going on?" I asked. I can read people very well, and I saw that something was definitely going on at home. Either that or she had to use the bathroom.
"Are you still freaked out about what happened in the woods yesterday?" Aria asked. "Look, we don't have to do this thing for Ali until-"
"No, it's not that, it's everything." Spencer said. "Is there any chance any of your families would want to adopt me?"
With that we heard tapping, and Jenna Marshall-with Toby Cavanaugh on her arm- walked through the halls. Hanna ran up next to us, and we spotted Emily down the hall. We all shared a terrified look as we thought of Toby carrying Jenna out of the treehouse that night.
"He's back too?" Aria asked when Emily joined us. "When did that happen?"
"Jenna probably needed help sending radioactive e-mails." I retorted.
"And he may be sending a few of his own." Spencer pointed out.
Before anyone could comprehend that Toby could be A, a voice was heard calling Hanna's name. We turned around and it was Hanna and I's favorite person-Wilden. "I just talked to your principal, and asked if we could have a little chat."
"No," Hanna said. "I have to get to class."
"Don't worry, you've been excused." Wilden said. "Let's go."
"What's going on?" I asked. "Why just her?"
"He probably thinks she's the easiest to crack." Emily said.
"She is." Spencer said.
"Whisper, whisper, whisper." Jenna said, walking next to us. "It almost feels like Alison is still here."
"What are you doing?" Spencer asked. "Is that a new phone?"
"Yeah." Aria answered. "I'll just write on Hanna's wall."
"If she's not answering texts what makes you think she's checking Facebook?" I asked.
"It's worth a try." Aria said.
"What's going on?" Hanna asked.
"Hanna!" Emily exclaimed. "We've been trying to get ahold of you."
"Yeah, what happened in there?" Aria asked.
"Nothing," Hanna lied. I could tell because, as I said before, I read people very well. This sixth sense also told me that she didn't want to talk about it, so I'll ask about it when I get home. "Just the same stupid questions."
"Hanna, you were in there for an hour. What else did he ask?" Spencer asked.
"Nothing." Hanna said. "He just took a couple calls, and I just sat there, waiting for him to shut up."
"Well is he gonna question all of us alone now?" Aria asked.
"Can we talk about this at lunch?" Hanna asked. "I have to hit the ladies before my next class."
"Is she being weird?" Spencer asked after she walked away.
"She's being weird." Emily confirmed. "I'll see you guys at lunch." Spencer and Emily walked away, and Mr. Fitz walked into his class. Aria stared at him and sucked in a breath.
It didn't take my sixth sense to tell,
Aria had a thing for the teacher.
"Hanna." I said later that night. "What did Wilden ask you?"
"I already told you." Hanna said. "Same old questions."
I rolled my eyes. "I know you're lying."
"Fine." Hanna said. "He questioned me like I was the suspect."
I gasped. "Oh my god."
"I know." She said, almost in tears. "He asked about my big change, if Alison saw me as competition."
"That's horrible." I said. "Just wait until I get my hands on him."
"Don't." Hanna said. "We can't have both of us need Mom to sleep with him more."
"Let's just get ready for the party." I said.
Hanna and I walked downstairs, her wearing a reddish color dress, while I was wearing a purple dress. "How are you getting home?" Mom asked. "If there is any drinking, I will pick you up."
"Or I could drive you." Wilden said. "If you don't mind riding in the squad car. I wouldn't use the cuffs."
"We'll be fine, thanks." I said sarcastically.
"What? It was a joke." Wilden said.
"Wait, I forgot my phone." I said, going back.
"What are you doing?" I heard Mom ask.
"Where have I seen this before?" Wilden asked. "It's nice, did you give it to her?"
"Alison gave it to her." The bracelet.
"That's right." Wilden said. "Hanna mentioned it when I questioned her at school today."
"Why were you at her school?" Mom asked. I heard her voice raising just slightly, meaning she was getting angry.
"Just a routine follow up." Wilden said. "It's my day job."
"Why was my kid questioned a second time?" Mom asked.
"Hanna!" I whisper shouted. "I think Mom's kicking Wilden out!" Hanna ran over next to me and put her ear to the door, like I was doing.
"Because she was close to the victim, and kids keeps secrets." Wilden said.
"Not my two." Mom said, scoffing. "And if you think they know more than they're letting on, you're out of line. Sticky fingers is a long way off from what you're talking about."
"Easy Mama Bear." Wilden said. "It's just a routine investigation."
"Well, then you're going to need a search warrant to go through her purse." Mom said, snatching Hanna's purse out of Wilden's hands. "And don't think I didn't see you eyeing Addison's cell phone."
"So, can I help with dinner?" Wilden asked.
"Yeah," Mom said. "Have it someplace else. Breakfast too." That's when I quickly ran into the kitchen, grabbed my phone, and ran out, pulling Hanna to the car.
"He tackled Ben?" I asked Emily at Noel Kahn's party that night. My sixth sense did not see that coming. "What was Toby even doing in the girl's locker room?"
"Why are you so surprised?" Spencer asked. "Toby's a perv. We caught him peeping through the windows, watching us undress."
"Alison's the one who saw him do that." Emily said. "We never did."
"What's up?" Hanna asked, walking up to us.
"Toby got into a fight with Ben over Emily." Aria said.
"It wasn't over me...god." Emily said. "He just...saved me."
"For what? Himself?" Spencer asked.
"Ew." Hanna said.
"If we hadn't asked about Ben, would you have told us this?" I asked.
"Toby is not a good guy." Spencer said. "He could be seriously dangerous."
"If he's so dangerous, why'd he take the fall for us?" Emily asked.
I stayed silent. "Is this another secret?" Aria asked. "Do you know something we don't?"
"I'll make sure everyone knows!" Ali yelled at Toby the night of the fire. She spotted me, and ran over. "Didn't I tell you to stay over there and let me take care of things? What did you hear?"
"Nothing!" I exclaimed. We walked back to the other girls in silence.
"What's going on?" Aria asked.
"What happened to Jenna?" Emily asked.
"Are we in trouble?" Spencer asked.
"It's done." Ali said. "We were never here. Let's go."
"But what, Hanna?" Ali asked.
"But what if we said it was an accident?" Hanna suggested.
"No." Ali said. "We're not telling anybody. Got it?" Hanna looked down. "Damn it, Hanna. Don't make me sorry I ever included you in the first place. I have worked so hard to bring your wannabe butt into this group. Do not tell anyone, unless you want to go back to spending your weekends alone, 'Dance Dance Revolution' and a jumbo bag of chips."
"Ali!" I exclaimed. "Stop it! Just leave her alone."
"I'm sorry, Hanna. I didn't mean that." Ali said. "I'm just, freaked out. This is bad, really bad. I never would've done it if I knew someone was in there. I just, I don't know what's gonna happen...to us. Can we just go?" They happily obliged, but I stayed back to see Toby in the back of a squad car, with a solemn look on his face.
Why did he take the blame for us?
-flashback over-
"Guys, chill." Hanna said. "Can we talk about this when it's just us?"
"I don't even know what 'just us' means anymore." Aria said.
"Yeah, um...let's talk about this tomorrow." Hanna said, walking away. "Are we still meeting up at the shed?"
"Yeah, sure." Aria said. "Why not."
"Where are you going?" Emily asked Aria.
"The gallery." She answered. "I promised my Mom."
"Hey." Maya said walking up to us. "Have you seen the photobooth?"
"No." Emily said smiling. "Show me the booth."
"And then there were two." Spencer mumbled.
I spotted Mike across Noel's backyard. "Actually, just one. Sorry."
"Hey!" Mike exclaimed when he noticed me.
"Hi." I said smiling.
"Wow," he said. "You look...wow."
I felt my cheeks heat up. "Thank you."
"Well I'll just leave you two alone." Mona said from next to Mike. And to be honest, I didn't even notice she was there.
If only they knew what I knew...-A
My face fell as I read the text. "You okay?" Mike asked concerned.
"Yeah." I said, putting on my best fake smile. "It's just, I mean," I knew I was going to start rambling. I'm usually a great liar, obviously, but there was something about Mike that made me stammer and ramble when I had to lie to him. "I don't know, I just, missed you so much while you were away and now you're back and I can't even believe the guy that I've liked for so long is actually my best fr-" I stopped cold when I realized what I said.
"I'm sorry," Mike said. "Did you just say that you liked me?"
"What? No!" I said, my voice squeaking.
Then he did what I least expected. He planted his lips on mine, and they moved in perfect harmony as we kissed. I kissed Mike Montgomery, the boy I've had a crush on for as long as I could remember. He pulled away from the kiss, but kept his forehead touching mine. "Bummer, because I've always had a thing for my best friend."
Man, he sure knows how to talk a girl. "Y-you like me?" I asked in disbelief.
"Always have, always will." He said smiling at me.
Mike deserves better. I know it, you know it, make sure he knows it, or your precious locket is mine. -A
The locket. How could A do that? The locket was the only thing my Dad had left me with. It reminded me of what it was like to have a whole family. Inside of the locket was a picture of me, my mom, my dad, and Hanna from my birthday two years ago. We were all smiling. Little did we know that in a short 5 months, Alison would go missing, my Dad would leave to live with his perfect girlfriend, and my family would fall apart. I liked Mike so much, but that locket meant the world to me. "You shouldn't." I whispered. He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. "Like someone worth your time." Tears spilled out of my eyes as my phone dinged again.
There, there. That wasn't so hard, was it? -A
But it was. Mike must've put the pieces together that something was going on with my phone, because the next thing I knew, my phone was in Mike's hands. "I just got you to admit you like me, I am not letting you slip away that easily."
"Mike!" I yelled, jumping to try and get my phone out of his grip. "Give it back!"
His face fell. "How long?"
"Since Ali's anniversary." I said quietly.
"I am not going to let whoever this is tear me away from you." Mike said, intertwining my hand with his. "I love you, and I always have. If this A person wants to take your locket, or mess with you in any way, they have to get through me first. I'll put them through hell and back, just for trying to hurt you. I won't let anything happen to you. I promise."
I didn't know what to say, so I let my lips do the talking, and kissed him. "I love you too." I said after the kiss.
A, you're in for hell.
"Night, Mike." I said smiling after the party.
"Night, babe." He smiled. "Crap it feels so good to call you that." 
I suddenly his lips crashed onto mine, and I smiled into it. "It feels so good to finally do that." I went into my house, grinning like crazy. Of course I was upset that Hanna-my ride home- flaked on me, but it was okay, because I'm dating Mike. It just feels like a dream come true.
"Things finally happened, huh?" Mom asked after I came through the door.
"Noel's parties are always memorable." I replied.
"Did he finally ask you out?" Mom asked. She was co captain of our ship with Hanna.
"Sorta like that." I asks smiling still. "Where's Hanna, she ditched me!"
Mom stood up, concerned. "I thought she was still at the party."
I felt my heartbeat speed up.
Could this be A?
It wasn't A, thank god, it was an angry and drunken Hanna that had stolen Sean's car and totaled it.
"She made us wait across the street so she could have it out with Toby." I explained to the girls the next day. "Ali had something on him."
"Besides being a total perv and peeping through our windows?" Aria asked.
"Way bigger." I said. "And she was threatening to tell everybody."
"So that's why he took the fall for us?" Hanna asked.
"Why are you waiting until now to tell us?" Emily asked.
"I don't know." I admitted. "Ali made me promise, and I was scared. I thought if we never talked about that night again, it would just go away."
"Well. It's not going away unless we chuck our phones and join the navy." Hanna said.
"Look," Emily said. "There's four of us and one freak sending messages. If we just talk like this it should be much easier."
"Em's right." Aria said. "There's way too many secrets. We shouldn't do this in the middle of nowhere, we should do this where everyone can see it."
"Like, put a bench in town?" I asked.
"Yeah, cause you know what? Whoever did this to Ali-if they're in Rosewood-we should make them look at it every day." Spencer agreed.
"What," I asked Hanna. "You hate the idea?" Before Hanna could answer, she was cut off by the snapping of twigs. The five looked at one another and ran towards it. All they saw was a bracelet identical to the one Emily had on and the one Wilden was asking questions about except it said Alison.
Alison's bracelet was still on her.

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