-The Jenna Thing-

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The girls and I were at The Brew, talking in hushed whispers about what had happened at Ali's funeral.
"Did we look guilty?" Emily asked.
"Why would we?" Aria said. "We didn't do anything wrong."
"Except lie about the Jenna thing." Hanna said.
"Hey!" Spencer whisper-shouted. "We swore we'd never bring that up again."
"It never happened." I said.
"You've found a way to forget?" Aria asked in disbelief. "I still wake up in the middle of the night-"
"Aria, it was an accident." Spencer said. Hanna poured some of her flask into her soda. "It's medicinal." Hanna said to the guy shooting her daggers. "Cramps!"
"I don't get it." Emily said. "How could A know something only Ali could know."
"Ali knew all of our secrets, but we never knew any of hers." Aria said.
"I knew some." I admitted.
"Go on." Aria said.
"Talk." Hanna pressured.
"I can't."
"You are not gonna drop a bomb like that and just clam up!" Spencer said.
"She'd so kill me if I told you!" I exclaimed.
"She's dead!" Hanna said.
We all paused for a moment to process what Hanna had said.
"Ali was seeing someone that summer." I said.
"I knew Ali was keeping something from me." Emily said. "From us." She added on quickly.
"Why didn't she want us to know?" Spencer asked.
"He was older, and he had a girlfriend." I said.
"What was his name?" Emily asked.
"She never told me who it was." I admitted.
"That's only half a secret, Addy." Hanna said.
"That's more than you ever got from her." I sassed back. Hanna rolled her eyes.
"How was it that Ali told us nothing and we told her everything." Aria asked.
"She made us feel like we were part of something special." Emily said.
"We were part of something special." Spencer added.
"I miss that." Aria said.
"Me too." Hanna agreed.
"I miss Ali." Emily said looking down at her bracelet that Ali got made for all of us the summer she disappeared.
"I can't believe you still wear that." Hanna said.
"Ali still wears hers." Emily challenged. "Well...wore."
"After she didn't come home that night, I knew something terrible had happened. But I always wished that someday she'd just, show up." Spencer said.
"At first I thought she had just run off with some guy." Aria admitted.
"She was on the beach." Emily said.
"Working on her tan." Hanna added.
"With that hot lifeguard from the pool." I sighed dreamily.
"What was his name?" Aria asked.
"Who cares." I said. "Save me!" We all stopped short when we heard tapping. Jenna. We quickly paid the bill and snuck out without Jenna noticing.
"The autopsy report has come in. The cause of her death was suffocation."
Mom quickly turned off the TV when she realized they were talking about Alison.
"You guys okay going to school today?" Mom asked.
"Yeah...we'll be fine." Hanna spoke for the both of us.
"Don't worry about what the police are saying." Mom reassured us. "Try and remember Alison as the beautiful girl you knew."
"I'm really sorry mom." Hanna said.
"For what?" Mom asked.
"The cop."
Mom sighed. "It's over. You won't be seeing him again." I applied my lipstick into the mirror. "Amber rose?" Mom asked. I nodded. "It's a good color for you." She smiled and went to work.
"You're such a liar." I said laughing.
"I'm not!" Mike protested. "That actually happened! The girl asked me for my number, so I gave it to her, and she kept sending me pictures of her and her boyfriend giving each other STD's or something."
I playfully rolled my eyes. "Yeah, I'll believe it when I see it."
"Do you want to? Because I have the-"
"That's so gross! Why would you keep them?" I asked in disgust.
He shrugged. "Why not."
"Will the following students come down to the office. Emily Fields, Aria Montgomery, Spencer Hastings, Hanna Marin, and Addison Marin."
I rolled my eyes. "Gotta blast. I'll catch up with you later."
I met up with the girls who were staring at Aria's phone in shock. "Dead girls walking." Aria read out loud.
"So let's get this straight." Officer Wilden said. "You thought you heard a scream."
"That's what I said, yeah." Spencer confirmed.
"When you three woke up, Alison was gone." Emily, Hanna, and Aria nodded. "And you," He pointed at me. "went to return a pair of sunglasses, saw a 'yellow flash', went to the barn; and Alison was nowhere to be found."
"That's what happened." I said.
"So what's up?" Officer Wilden asked. "Was this a slumber party or-"
"Is this an interrogation?" Spencer asked.
"No, just a routine follow-up." Wilden answered. "Why'd you all fall asleep?"
"I guess we were tired." Aria said.
"Tired? Eh." Wilden said. "Is that how you remember it, Hanna?"
"Yeah." She said in a 'duh' tone.
"Look, we told you everything we know." I said. "Just like we did last year."
"I know, and it's almost exactly the same. Almost as if it were rehearsed." Wilden challenged me. I shot him a glare.
"Like Addison said, we've told you everything we know." Aria said.
"He knows we're lying." Aria said at lunch later that day.
"Lying is not a crime." Hanna said.
"It is when you're giving false statements to the police." Spencer explained. "It's called obstruction of justice."
"We lied about drinking!" Hanna argued. "The truth that matters is what happened to Ali that night."
"Which we know nothing about." I added.
"But we might know of someone who wanted to hurt Ali." Spencer said.
"We should've told the truth about Jenna's accident the night it happened." Emily said.
"I wanted to." Hanna said.
"We had a chance to do more than that, we had a chance to stop Ali." Aria said.
"But we didn't!" Spencer said. "And telling the police about it now won't make her see again. It'll only ruin our lives."
We heard the tapping again.
"Oh my god, she's back at school too?" I asked.
Aria walked up to her. "Hey, it's Aria." She said. "Do you want to...sit with us?"
Aria took Jenna's tray from her and guided her to our table. "So, I must be in Alison's chair, right?" Jenna asked smugly.
"No," I said. "We're not even sitting at that table."
"You know, she came to visit me after the accident." Jenna said.
"Alison?" Spencer asked in shock.
"Mhm." Jenna said. "Everyone misunderstood her but I knew exactly who she was."
"So..."Spencer said trying to change the subject. "When did you get back?"
"We heard you were in Philadelphia at a school for the..." I almost said blind but I stopped myself. "...visually impaired."
"It's okay Addison, you can say blind. It's not a dirty word." Jenna said. We sat in silence. "Wow, it's quiet." Jenna said. "You guys used to be the fun table. What happened?"
We were all trading clothes in Emily's room. All of the sudden Ali's smile turned into a hateful glare. She ran towards the window. "I can see you!" She yelled.
"What is it?" Emily asked.
"He was in that tree spying on us!" Alison ranted. "I am so creeped out!"
"Who was it?" Spencer asked.
"It was that perv Toby Cavanaugh!" Alison said.
"Are you sure?" Aria asked.
"Yes I'm sure, he was right there." Alison said.
"Should we tell someone?" I asked.
"Well we could." Alison said. Then a smirk creeped on her face. "But I have a better idea."

Before we were really aware of what was going on, we were walking in the trees between Emily and Toby's house.
"Are you sure he's not in there?" Aria asked.
"He's not." Ali confirmed.
"Ali, wait." Emily said. "I don't want to do this."
"Then go home, you're on your own." Ali said.
"Maybe Emily's right." I said. "Maybe we should just call the cops, they'll take him in and take care of it!"
"Where's the fun in that." Ali smirked. "Girls, Toby Cavanaugh is a freak. If he thinks he can look into your bedroom window, Emily, he needs to think his little hideout isn't safe anymore. We're going to teach him a lesson."
"Are you sure it was Toby?" Spencer asked.
"Yes!" Ali said getting frustrated. "And it's a stinkbomb for God's sake, we're not nuking the place!" She walked near Toby's treehouse's window. "Hand me the lighter."
Spencer reluctantly gave the lighter to Ali and she lit the stinkbomb. She threw it in the treehouse and gasped. "Run!" She told us. All six of us ran for our lives. As soon as we got back into the street, the treehouse caught on fire behind us.
"Ali, what did you do?" I asked.
"We have to get out of here." Spencer said.
"Come on, let's go!" Emily said running back towards her house. It was in that moment we realized that this wasn't our normal little prank, this was a felony.
-flashback over-
All of our phones buzzed at the same time. We all looked at each other in horror.
"Aren't you gonna get that?" Jenna asked. We all reluctantly opened our new text message.
If only she could see how guilty you look! -A
Mom and I walked in later with the groceries to find Hanna and her boyfriend, who was veryyyy attractive-might I add, studying in the kitchen.
"How's the studying going?" Mom asked.
"Good." Hanna said.
"Sean." Mom said. "Please tell your father that we have been trying to make it to church, but with me working on the weekends-"
"-Oh, yeah. It's okay Mrs. Marin. He understands. He works on the weekends too." Sean said. Sean's father was the Pastor, that's where all this church talk is coming from.
"Look who stopped by for dinner." Mom said with fake enthusiasm.
"I brought Thai takeout!" announced a voice that sounded way too familiar. Wilden. I shared a look with Hanna, here we go again.
When Hanna and I woke up the next morning, mom was cooking. Usually she doesn't cook us breakfast, so it was a little out of the ordinary.
"You're cooking?" Hanna asked.
"Morning." Wilden said. He was in my house again? Hanna and I shared a look. He just keeps showing up more and more. "Overeeasy, okay?"
My mom sighed. "Of course."
When Hanna and I got to school, we saw Emily and her boyfriend Ben, making out in his car, and Ben's annoying jock friends being annoying jocks about it. So Hanna and I rescued Emily. She scurried out of the car. "Lookin' good Emily!" One of them yelled. Then he looked at me. "You're looking pretty good too."
"You know, your downstairs friend reminds me of something." I said.
"And what's that?" He asked getting closer to me.
I looked him straight in the eyes. "Microsoft." I smirked strutting away. I heard a chorus of 'oh's and some 'she told you's. "You okay?" I asked turning back to Emily.
"Not really." Emily answered truthfully.
"You know, I never thought of you as someone so comfortable with PDA." Hanna said.
"Maybe I'm not the person everyone thinks I am." Emily said.
I saw Mike waving me over to his locker. "I gotta go, see you guys later."
"I never knew you had a mind like that." Mike said as soon as I walked over to his locker.
"What are you talking about?" I asked.
"Microsoft." He said.
"Oh." I giggled. "How'd you know about that?"
"The whole school already knows. Someone got it on video." Mike explained.
"Well I don't mind being the class savage." I said laughing.
"And I don't mind being the class savage's best friend." Mike said also laughing.
So I have no filter.
People should know this by now!
{word count:1980}
*author's note-OMFG IM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG! Idk I've got no excuse for it doe so just oops:) vote, comment, and add to library loves!❤️*

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