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Stepping outside, Yoongi pulled off his face mask and huffed a breath of air into the cold night around him. When he stood on the balcony it reminded him of when he was younger. Now, at the age of 23 years, he hardly got to see his family; being part of a record company wasn't always as fun as he'd imagined. He looked down onto the streets of Daegu below him, with all the card rushing past and all the people walking along like little characters on a chess board.

Averting his eyes from the street, Yoongi glanced at his phone screen 20:38.
"Shit," he muttered to himself under his breath, he'd promised to meet Namjoon at a club at nine. The only reason he'd agreed to go was because he knew his reputation as a semi-famous rapper wouldn't be known there.
"What's up Yoongi?" He turned around to see his brother walking out onto the balcony, probably drunk.
"I'm meant to be at a club at 9 in the center of Daegu, it's now 8:40 and we live about 20 minutes from it, see my problem?"
"Well yeah I do, but don't look at it as a problem, look at it as a challenge." Yoongi met eyes with his brother and laughed a little.
"Since when did you become a poet?"
"Since now, my dearest brother, and let me tell you about the latest piece I've been working on." His brother stopped to take a breath and look up at the stars, "Yoongi, people are like stars, sometimes you'll look and your eyes will go straight to the most noticeable one, but that doesn't mean it's the best. You have to look more carefully for the one you'll learn to love." Yoongi looked up at the sky then and realized what his brother was saying then made sense, even though he didn't want it to.
"Come back inside Jae, you're drunk and I need to get going," but Yoongi would never forget what his brother said, those words would spend the rest of the night circling round his head.


Sitting in the back of the taxi, Jungkook looked up at the stars. He wondered if anyone was looking at the same star as he was, but he doubted it, it wasn't very noticeable. Having just finished university, he thought it was only fair that he'd spend a few weeks doing whatever he wanted to do and he'd always wanted to go to Daegu. His friend Seokjin had told him about a great club they could go to for his first night in the district. Jungkook wasn't sure whether he'd enjoy himself or joy, but he'd always trusted Jin's judgement, so he thought he'd try it out anyway.

By the time Jungkook arrived at the club it was gone 9. The stars in the sky had faded slightly because of the flashing neon lights from the building and underneath them he could see Jin, the neon perfectly outlining the structure of his face. Jungkook and Jin had been friends for as long as he could remember, Jin probably knew everything about him, especially the fact that he had no real interest in boys. Jungkook handed the money to the taxi driver and stepped out onto the sidewalk, greeting Jin with a smile, one that Jin said was probably irresistible to everyone around him, even though he didn't believe him.
"Hey Jungkook it's good to see you!" Jin said with as much enthusiasm as always. "I hope you don't mind but I invited Namjoon too, you remember him don't you?" How could Jungkook forget him? Jin and Namjoon had one of the most confusing relationships he'd ever seen, but they made each happy. "Come on, let's go in. The first round of drinks are on me."

As soon as they entered the club, Jin made a beeline straight for Namjoon, Jungkook following behind a little more slowly.
"Jin, you brought Jungkook with you? It's nice to see you man," Namjoon stuck out his hand for Jungkook to shake, which he did awkwardly. "I hope you haven't forgotten me Jungkook," Namjoon laughed as he said this, knowing Jungkook hadn't.
"How could he forget you?" Jin teased as he sat down in the booth next to Namjoon, Namjoon's arm slipping around Jin's shoulders. "Here Jungkook take my money and get yourself a drink," Jungkook took the money from Jin's hand, there was no way Jin would let him refuse it.
"See you later Jungkook," Jin and Namjoon said in unison as he walked off to the bar, he knew it would be a long night.


"Namjoon I thought you said you invited Yoongi tonight too?"
"I did, but he said he'd be late. Had to sort out his brother, you know what he's like." They both rolled their eyes as Namjoon said that, knowing exactly what Jae was like. "He just texted me anyway saying he was a few minutes away."
"Do you think Yoongi and Jungkook will get on?" Jin didn't want to seem worried about it, but he definitely was.
"I hope so, but there's no guarantee they'll even meet." Jin frowned then. "Hey, don't look so down I'm sure they'll get on really well," Namjoon said as he kissed Jin on the forehead.
"You two really need to get a room you know." Jin and Namjoon looked up to see Yoongi grinning down at them.
"It's good to see you too Yoongi," Namjoon answered and they all laughed. Although Yoongi acted like even the thought of romance disgusted him, secretly he'd always been looking for that one boy who'd take his breath away. The only problem was that being relatively well known, he didn't know how the media would react to his homosexuality, all he knew was that it wouldn't be good.
"Hey lovebirds, I'm going to get a drink, do you want anything?" They all laughed again.
"Nah I think we're good here," Namjoon replied.
"Alright, see you later then, don't get in too much trouble." Yoongi smiled and winked at them.
"Oh my god Yoongi, you make us sound like raging sex addicts." Jin shook his head.
"Well maybe you are for all I know," walking away, Yoongi couldn't contain his silent laughter anymore, he'd missed talking to those two like he missed seeing his parents.
"Do you think Yoongi and Jungkook will meet tonight?" Jin looked quizzically at Namjoon.
"I have a feeling they will," Namjoon whispered as he kissed Jin softly on the lips.

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