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"I'll have one beer please," Jungkook looked back over his shoulder to where Jin and Namjoon were sitting in the booth. If he was totally honest with himself, he didn't really want to sit down with them; their public displays of affection were overwhelming. There was another booth next to them that was empty, and if he was careful enough he could go to that one without being caught by the loving couple.
"Hey, do you want your beer or not, man?" Jungkook looked back at the bar, confused. "You asked for a beer, don't you want it?" He hadn't realized but the bartender had been standing with his arm outstretched, the bottle of beer in his hand.
"O-oh, I'm sorry, I was distracted," Jungkook blushed a deep pink.
"I can tell. Staring at those two boys over there..are they you're friends?" The bartender seemed to be asking him that as a genuine question, and Jungkook wondered, were they his friends?
"Yeah, I guess you could call them that."
"Hey, take this beer on the house, you seem like you need it," he looked back at the bartender and smiled that little smile that Jin said could attract anyone.
"Are you sure? I don't want to be an inconvenience."
"I'm one hundred percent sure, honestly you seem like a good guy, you shouldn't be looking that down."
"Wow. Thank you so much, you're too kind." Jungkook said as he blushed again, taking the beer and getting off the stool. "I really appreciate it."
"No problem, see you around."
"Yeah, see you."

It wasn't difficult for Jungkook to slip into the other booth with out Namjoon and Jin realizing, considering they were in a heavy make out session, not something he wanted to be in the middle of. He sat down in the dim light, slipping a sigh of relief, knowing finally he could be alone. For a while he let the darkness surround him, let it consume him; he'd never felt so relaxed yet so on edge at the same time, even though he wasn't sure why.

Sitting in the booth, Jungkook had no concept of time. Every now and again he took a drink from his beer, but mainly he spent the time thinking about how he was supposed to be spending the night with Jin and Namjoon. He knew without even looking that they would be spending the night in a tangle of arms and legs and even though romance wasn't Jungkook's favourite thing in the world, he'd noticed how lonely it'd made him feel. In the dark he felt a single tear slip down his face,

"oh my god," he whispered to himself, as he wiped his sleeve across his face. "Don't be so childish Jungkook. If you want to find someone, go and find someone." yet he didn't move an inch. He continued to sit, completely unaware of how this night would change his life forever.


"One beer please," Yoongi said as he sat down at the bar. The bartender handed the bottle to him and he took a sip whilst handing over the money. He stared up, except there were no stars to see now, just a pitch black ceiling. Not quite as interesting. He looked back at Jin and Namjoon, his eyes glancing past the booth that Jungkook was sitting in.
"That's weird." He turned around and the bartender was standing behind him.
"What is?" Yoongi said as he turned back around
"Another boy came over here earlier, did exactly the same thing as you did. I guess he's friends with those two as well?"
"I guess he is."
"I don't suppose you know him? He's got black hair, kind of like a raven. Probably a little shorter than you. Eyes almost as dark as his hair."
"Nope, I've never heard of him." Yoongi looked down at his beer bottle and blushed a little, he had to admit, even from that simple description, the boy sounded cute.
"Well you should keep a look out for him, I think you two would hit it off," the bartender said as he walked off to serve someone else.

Yoongi sighed and took another sip from his beer. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted a boy sitting further down the bar. He took in his features, noticing he looked surprisingly like the description he'd heard just a minute or so earlier. He picked up his bottle of beer and walked over, sitting himself on the stool next to him.
"Umm, can I help you?" The stranger said as he turned round to face Yoongi.
"I-I-aah," Yoongi mumbled, surprised by the vicious tone in the boys voice.
"Well come on, spit it out kid."
"God, no need to be so rude."
"I'll do whatever the fuck I want, thanks very much."
"Sorry, I was, er, just going to ask if you knew those two over there?" Yoongi said as he pointed to Jin and Namjoon.
"Yeah I know them, why'd you want to know?" Yoongi heaved a sigh of relief, obviously he had found the right guy.
"Oh I was just talking to one of the bartenders, he said we might get on well." Yoongi flashed a small smile at him.
"What the fuck. Are you hitting on me? Are you fucking hitting on me? You creep!" The stranger went to stand up but Yoongi placed a hand on his arm.
"Please, I swear I wasn't. Don't go just yet, can we talk for a little?" Yoongi asked, even if he might have been lying a little.
"Fine. Whatever." The stranger sat back down. "What's your name kid?"
"S-Yoongi." Yoongi blushed, almost giving away his stage name. "What's yours?"
"Jitae. What are you doing here tonight Yoongi?"
"Oh, I'm just here with my friends. You?"
"I'm also here with my friends, guess we have more in common than I thought. Can I ask you something Yoongi, it's quite personal."
"Sure just go for it."
"What's your sexuality?"
"I'm-I'm not really sure. Can I ask you the same thing?"
"Yeah. I'm gay." Yoongi gasped a little, too quite for him to hear, but did this mean he could have a chance with him?
"Yoongi have you ever kissed someone?"
"Y-yes I have Jitae, but not in a long time I don't have-" Yoongi was cut of mid sentence with a pair of lips pressed against his. He was surprised, but he didn't pull back, instead his placed his hand on Jitae's thigh. He began sliding it up, until Jitae pulled back, rage burning in his eyes.
"What the fuck was that for Yoongi, how dare you kiss me."
"But I-I didn't. You kissed me!"
"Why would I do that? You're an ugly piece of shit." Yoongi sat with his mouth open, spellbound, he felt himself choking up. "I can't believe how low you are." The next thing he knew Jitae's palm had made contact with his face, leaving a sting which quickly spread across his entire right cheek. "You literally disgust me." Jitae whispered as he picked up his glass of water and poured it onto Yoongi's head. "Don't ever fucking talk to me ever again."

For a while Yoongi continued to sit on the stool, the water dripping onto the floor around him and that's probably why he didn't notice that he'd started crying. He wiped the back of his already damp sleeve across his face and slowly got up. He noticed the booth next to Jin and Namjoon was seemingly empty. Sitting down, he pulled off his hoodie, although his t shirt underneath was equally as soaked.
"Shit," he muttered to himself noticing how much his shirt was sticking to him. "Shit. Shit. Shit." He tried drying it a little with his hoodie, but to no avail. "What the fuck is his problem?"
"Hey, is everything alright?" Yoongi froze. There was someone else here?
"Does it look like I'm alright to you?" Yoongi sighed as the voice emerged from the shadows. The boy had black hair, kind of like a raven. Eyes almost as dark as his hair. He had a shy smile on face, but he also had a hint of worry too.
"Oh, I'm sorry I guess that was a stupid question, I don't know exactly what happened, but I saw it. I'm sorry."
"You don't have to apologise it wasn't your fault." Yoongi smiled back at him in return, but it quickly faded when he remembered how him smiling ended up last time. He saw the boys hand reaching up for his face but Yoongi pulled back before he could touch him.
"Ah, I'm sorry, I guess that was a little forward of me, you don't even know my name. I just wanted to check if your cheek was okay after he slapped you."
"I guess it's my turn to say sorry, after what happened earlier, I'm so on edge." Yoongi laughed a small laugh.
"Hey don't worry about it, it's only natural. I'm Jungkook by the way."
"Nice to meet you Jungkook, I'm Yoongi. I don't suppose you're friends with Jin and Namjoon."
"How did you know? I came here with them tonight."
"That's funny, because I came here with them too tonight. I guess they just neglected to tell us that." They both laughed and met eyes for a moment, before Yoongi pulled his eyes away from Jungkook's. He noticed they were the sort of black you find in the night sky when it's covered in stars, his favourite sort of black.
"Hey Yoongi, do you want my sweater? Your shirt looks kinda damp..not that I was staring or anything," Jungkook blushed a deep red
"Well, um, if you wouldn't mind I'd really appreciate it. Thank you for being so kind."
"No problem," Jungkook said as he started pulling off his sweater. But his shirt stuck to the sweater, revealing his toned stomach to Yoongi.
"Yoongi, I hate to be a pain but could you hold my t shirt for me."
"Sure Jungkook, it's the least I can do." Yoongi put his hands on the shirt and gently pulled it down, his knuckles brushing Jungkook's torso, making him shiver. When Jungkook finished pulling his sweater off, they met eyes again, this time Yoongi reached towards Jungkook to put his hair into place.  Jungkook handed Yoongi his sweater, avoiding his gaze, clearly blushing. Yoongi began to pull off his shirt, making Jungkook turn an even darker shade of red. Yoongi had faint lines suggestive of abs on his stomach and Jungkook couldn't help but look stare. Yoongi pulled the sweater of his head, placing the damp shirt on the table he looked up, where it seemed as if Jungkook had been looking the other way the whole time.
"Hey Jungkook, come sit here." Yoongi patted the space next to him, Jungkook looked where Yoongi's hand was, then back up at his face. If he sat there, they'd be touching. He didn't have a problem with that, he couldn't help but notice every single detail about Yoongi, how perfect every single detail was. Jungkook shuffled along the seat until he was closer to Yoongi, he wasn't sure if he should stop where he was, but he took a breath and slid right next to him so that they were touching. Jungkook felt Yoongi's arm slip around his shoulders, so he leant his head on Yoongi's shoulder.
"So Jungkook, tell me about yourself," Yoongi whispered as his kissed Jungkook lightly on the head.
"There's not really much to say except I think this might be the best night of my life."

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