A/N : Who Else Agrees?

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Hi guys!

So i've been reading a lot of stories and I discovered a few gramatical errors. I know that some of us unexperienced authors have problems and it isn't our fault... But please.

1. Spell check
2. Auto correct
3. ASK PEOPLE!!!!!!

For example, please look out for these:

1. "I nodded/his face formed in understandment "... - Please, people. Understandment isn't a word. It's understanding.

2. " I'm catching feelings/ I've caught feelings"... - I know a lot of people say this. Nearly everyone. But it doesn't make sense to me! If it does to you, please explain it 'cause I just don't get how you 'catch feelings'. Do they fly? Jump?

3. "His and mine's house" - You just don't say this.... No. It's Our house. That's it... Lawd.

4. "I'm sorry for your lost " - What is that? I don't even think I need to say anything for this one... But honestly, the word is loss.

Well that's all I have for now. If you find any common mistakes in my books or any others, please let me know. Also if you hear common phrases that you don't understand.

Thank you!







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