ch.15- Commander

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I walk out to see,
The Magcon boys, Megan, Ireland, Miranda, Ember, Hanna, and a girl I've never seen before, why is she wearing sunglasses inside?

"Surprise" Jack says.
"Wha- what are- have you-" I stutter. Have they been doing this to me? Why?

"I bet you're confused. Let's fill her in shall we?" Miranda says mysteriously.

"Well pretty much, our commander-" Hanna says pointing at the unknown girl, "-has convinced all of us to do some dirty work to do I say this?" She asks Megan

"to eliminate you. sorry sweetie." Megan says, glaring at me.

"Wait I don't even know you!" I yell at the  so called commander.

"well actually you do." she says slowly. She starts to take off her glasses....and it's-

"Maycee? Maycee from 4th grade?"


"What are you doing here?!? Why do you want to hurt me so badly?"

"Oh just because you caused me this" she says while showing her arms.

/Maycees pov\
"Niecia stop"
"why should I?"
We are on a playground near my house. For some reason, Niecia can't just let go of my arms.

"Niecia stop!!"I yell this time enough for people nearby to hear. She stops and looks at me and says,

"Don't you ever yell at me again. Îm doing you a favor."

She lets go of my arms and I look at them. They have marks and blood is oozing out of them.

I run back to my house as soon as she turns her back again.

Never again.
(end of flashback)

"I never forgot that Niecia..., and now it's your time to pay."

She shoves my dad in front of me. He's tied up.

"NOO please NOO!"


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