Chapter 1

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Paige's POV

"Troye! I can't believe it. Today we're going to England. We're going to visit everyone. I can't wait!" I squeal in excitement as loud as I can in my apartment. I live with Troye Sivan, my best friend til the end. Today is the day that we are going to Brighton and I can't wait. He is excited too, but not as much as me. I get to see my other best friend, Zoe, and were staying with her for 2 weeks up in Brighton. I've been so excited for this trip. I haven't seen Zoe since New years at a youtube event in LA that Tyler threw.

"I know. I'm super excited too. Only 2 hours till our flight. Are you ready?" Troye asked.

"Yeah i'm ready. I've been ready for 3 days."

"No i mean ready to see you know who." 

"Oh. Shut up. How would you like it if I did that to you about Connor?" Okay so I like Joe, yes Joseph Sugg, aka my Best Friend's Brother. And it not just like, ooooo he's cute, it's like I know we have a real connection. I guess it kind of helps that he's pretty damn hot. How could you not like him? I don't know if he likes me though. Almost everybody knows that I like him because of Troye the gossiper. The only people he hasn't told is obviously Joe and Caspar. Zoe is the one person that I told and he didn't. I felt like i should tell her because shes my best friend and i kind of wanted to see her reaction. she was so happy when I told her. To this day, I still don't know why.

"I wouldn't care honestly. We're dating. Unlike you with your major crush."

"But you have kept yours a secret and let my feeling out into the world." I say waking away before he could respond.


(The day after new years)

"Oh hey Paigey."

"Hey Zoe. I have to tell you something. I feel like you should know."

"What is it? you can tell me anything."

"I may, just maybe, like a little bit, like Joe possibly maybe. I don't know"

"Oh my god Paige. really" (said in a friendly way) " I knew it."

"How did you know?"

"You always blush in front of him, You act really weird around him, and your always staring at him."

"Oh. heh heh heh heh."


2 hours later

We are now on our flight. We have a connecting flight in Dubai, then we have another plane to London, and then we have to take the train to Brighton where Zoe will pick us up. It's currently 6pm and we been in the plane for 7 hours. I've been editing videos  and reading while Troye is listening to music. 4 hours to go till were in Dubai.

"Troye! I forgot to vlog!" I looked over and he didn't here a thing I just said. I pulled one of his earbuds out. 

"What?!!" he sounded annoyed.

"I forgot to vlog."

"Just start in Dubai."

"Okay. I guess."

4 hours later

Troye was asleep, but I was awake. We were about to land so I continued to shake him and he finally woke up. "What!" he said very tiredly.

"Were about to land."

"In London?"

"No in Dubai." i said. "Idiot." i murmured.

 My best friends brother (A Joe sugg/thatcherjoe fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now