Sorry its another one

184 5 2

Sorry this isn't an update but please read.

Quick thanks for over 400 reads and all the votes❤️
I want everyone's opinion on this;  I'm thinking (even though there is like a million of them) of making a demigod meet mortals book. I tried making one a while ago but it got deleted somehow.
I would also like some named and descriptions of mortals and rolls they would play in a story. They would be the like one page sometimes 2parter stories. Example of what to put:
Looks:(hair color, eye color, tan, race)
M or F:
If student what grade:(preferably high school ones-freshman, sophomore, junior, senior)
Friends or enemies with demigods
Which demigod you want to be in it.
I will give you credit for your character(s)
Please tell me what you think. I completely rely on you guys for what you think.
Thanks for all your help❤️


Avengers/Percy Jackson/Maximum RideWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt