Chapter Five

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Once i got to art i went straight to bella, when I got to her she asked me what was up "well besides the note I got this morning and the fact tyler now thinks im a nosey little kid my day has been great " I replied to her . Once Mr . Grayson got to class he told us to pipe down "OK this period we will be working on poem about our favorite thing's ok get  going ." To be honest I had no idea what to write about I'll just do it later right now I have more important matters to attend to like HOLY SHIT I LOVE TYLER MY OWN DAMN BROTHER he's only been my brother for a day but still you get the point right of coarse you do . "well thats not that bad atleast you dont like him". "About that i actually like tyler." "OMG i fangirl so much !"  "ms. Harison would you like to explain to the class why your yelling ?" mr. Grayson asked calmly . Bella sunk in her seat "No mr.Grasyson i'll be quiet now " "that will be the first " he mumbled under his breath . Somebodys pissy today . I thought

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"okay class you have two weeks to work on your poem " Mr. Grayson yelled over all the teens

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