Chapter Four

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When I woke up the next morning I felt arms around me then the events of last night came back "Boys breakfast "my mom yelled up the stairs . I wiggled my way out from Tyler's arms at least it's Friday I thought .
When I finished getting dressed I went down stairs and saw pancakes and bacon "goodmorning hun how did you sleep ?" "Fine " I said .about five minutes later Tyler came down dressed in blue skinny jeans and a slipknot shirt and some black supra shoes and I can't lie Tyler looked hot . When we were done eating we started walking to school "what was your nightmare about last night " I asked Tyler " it was about my old school "he said so quietly that I almost didn't catch it . "What happend" i asked as soon as i said it i regretted my decision because he looked mad enough that I saw a flare in his eyes "why do you need to now so badly why can't you mind your own business Jasper. " "I'm sorry I was just curious " I said just as quietly as he had done .

When we got to school i asked him what classes he had and he said "geometery ,math ,art ,history ,and lanuage arts plus lunch " "so we have no classes together i said dully" . Once we headed our seperate ways to go to our respective lockers . Once i arrived at my locker i saw a peice of paper on my locker it read 'fag,queer,and of coarse fairy' once i took the paper off my locker and got my books i was almost at tears but i dint let them slip . Suddenly the bell rang and I ran to home room and once i sat down everybody around me moved what a bunch of dicks 'hes gay lets make fun of him because he's differnt ' what a bunch of bitches lets just see how the rest of the day goes . It seems like i have said that before

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