Chapter six

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Ok guys wtf our story has almost 800 reads and when i started this story it was just for fun anyway thank you guys peace.~~~~~~~
When i got home i went straight to my.... I mean Tyler and my room and flopped down on my bed. 'I wonder what happend at Tyler's old school well I guess he will tell me when he is ready'. 'Might as well start my homework until dinner is ready' I thought as I pulled out my math text book and a sheet of paper.‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹‹««««‹‹‹««««‹ «««««««««»»»1 hour time skip«««««««««
mom yelled up the stairs just as I finished the last of my homework . When I got down stairs Tyler was already there "when did you get here?" I asked confused. "40 minutes ago I had to walk by myself and I got lost because of someone he said sounding annoyed "here you go boys" mom said exidedly "I made burgers and fries " "thanks mom" me and Tyler said

30 minute time skip

As I was getting ready for bed Tyler came in and took his clothes off and got in bed.
When I was done I got in next to him "ummm........jasper" he said steadily "yes Ty? " " never mind...forget it, it's nothing "
"tell me Ty it's OK what ever it is" I
saidreassuring him "can you uh......canwespoon!" he said quickly . I didnt say anything and just wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him close to me then I started to kiss his neck. "ahhh jasper what are you.....?" he said moaning a little "I don't know what am I doing Ty?" I said as I gave him a hickey on his neck "ahhh jasper " he moaned out quietly. Just as he moaned my name I stopped "good night Tyler " " you like me "
I was shocked when he said that "yes your a great friend" i said putting his question off " we both know that's not what I meant" he said sternly "ummm........ yes I would go out with you" I said sadly "I knew you where gay!" He said

OMG he said it

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