Highest ranking- #65 on 06/27/16
A smart, handsome, sporty and popular guy named Abhi, has a crush on a puzzled and quiet girl, Sana. Why was she always sad? Why does she not talk to anyone, but her friends? Find out what happens!
This story is comp...
Remember the other day, I mentioned iisuperwomanii?
And I was thinking she met Varun, but not Sid!! How unfair. Because Sid and Lilly are my favorite people in the whole world. And thanks to Twitter look at this:
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So, now Twitter can read minds!!
By the way, you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram
T- iimeharii IG- desigurl_m
And btw thanks for 5k, I'm still blank!!
Totally blank! Ok, I'll stop everything I'm doing right now and do the CHULL!!
2 hours later----
I'm done with my CHULL!
So let's just jump in to the book.....
Sana's P.O.V. Was this even Abhi? Never in the world will he do this to me. I was hurt immensely. My legs were jell-o and I just sat there wondering who that was. It was dark, I couldn't even see his face. He left the room after a few minutes.
Just then someone came out of another door, which I guess was the bathroom.
Abhi's P.O.V. I saw Sana sitting in the corner of the room in a bad state. I couldn't understand what happened. I bent down on my knees and comforted her.
"Sana!! Sana!" I screamed. "Abh-i...." She cried. "Shh! Kya hua? (What's wrong)" I asked. "Abhi. Please forgive me, I made a huge mistake." She couldn't speak. "What?" I was so damn confused. That's when she told me that she accidentally hugged someone else, and thought it was me.
Who else could be here? It must be him! I told mom I don't want to share a room with him!
And then there was a continuous loud knock on the door.
"Abhi bhai!!" It was Kuhu. "Please open!!" She too was weeping.
I opened the door and she hugged me tightly.
"Kuhu, now what happened?" I was about to cry. "She hit me! She hit me!" She cried and said. "Where? Are you ok? I'm sorry Kuhu, I let you go alone!!" I felt really bad, I felt like it was a completely wrong decision to come here. Why? Why did I bring them here? Now both of them are crying, and my tears are on the way as well.
I took deep breaths and calmed myself.
"Both of you, come with me...." I calmly said.
Sana managed to stand up, and she fixed her hair. Kuhu wiped her tears and held my hand. They both trust me so much, and I have no idea what I'm doing.
Ladki beautiful kar gayi chull's P.O.V. (Me) They both sat in the car, and Abhi drove away. The windows were open for fresh air that calmed them down.
Abhi stopped the car in front a small ice cream stall, and got out of the car, leaving Sana and Kuhu confused.
He came back with their favorite flavors of ice cream. And gave them both.
Sana and Kuhu were happily enjoying their ice creams, which made Abhi hungry as well.
Sana and Kuhu laughed at Abhi who was now pouting and making a puppy face like a 5 year old child. Both Sana and Kuhu fed him ice cream and they all smiled at each other.
"Abhi, who was that man?" Sana asked. "He is my brother." Abhi said looking away. "OMG!! He is the one getting married, and I hugged him!! Oh shit!" Sana said in a guilty tone.
Sana then forgot about that and asked "And Kuhu, who hit Kuhu. I don't understand!" Abhi and Kuhu stared at each other. Sana realized she asked something wrong, so she kept mum the whole ride back home.
Sana's P.O.V. We were having dinner, and luckily the food was less spicier. I enjoyed the food and I saw that Kuhu kept clenching Abhi. There is something that I don't know. Something personal, but I really want to know. It's bothering me so much!
At night I couldn't sleep, I was only thinking about Kuhu.
Someone entered my room without knocking, I checked twice, in case I make the same mistake again. It was Abhi.
He gestured me to come quickly. I jumped out of bed and held his hand as he pulled me somewhere. And I was just smiling like how a teenager would smile if she met Sidharth and Varun.
Abhi brought me to the balcony, where the air was so fresh and pure and full of love. I hugged Abhi and it felt amazing, it felt like everything is going to be alright.
I just wanted to kiss Abhi right now. I leaned in and before anything else, he kissed me. I immediately responded.
We were so passionate and lost in ourselves, that we didn't want to stop.
"Hayye Rabba!!!!! Aaj kal ke bacche!" (Oh god!! These kids!) Someone screamed dramatically.
It was one of Abhi's aunties. We just hid from her, and broke into a loud, very loud laugh. It felt heavenly when Abhi was with me. I could just be myself.
"Abhi, what are you hiding from me?" I asked being serious. "Huh? I don't know what your talking about!" He looked away. "Of course you know what I'm talking about!! I'm talking about Kuhu! I don't understand!!" I screamed. And Abhi just broke into silent tears.
"Abhi! You can open up! I won't bite!" I hugged him.
"I was 15 at that time, and I was just strolling with my friends. And I saw a lady beating up a little girl and she threw that little angle outside her house." He started speaking.
"I held her hand and brought her home. And told my parents that I want to keep her and take care of her. My parents got mad at me and said that they would never keep a girl, because according to them, girls are only a burden who will get married someday and leave you. So, I approached my brother, and he told me that I was an idiot for helping that little soul. I finally convinced my parents. And they agreed to keep her. I was a teen, I had to focus on school as well. I didn't pay that much attention to her. One day I came home early from school, and saw that my parents were beating her up, and making her work like a slave. I couldn't take it any longer! I packed my bags and both of us left home. At that time I barely had any money, I had to work a lot. I finally made enough money, and flew off to Mumbai. I took three jobs just so that I could afford the fees for college and Kuhu's school." He completely broke down at the end.
I cried too, and i could understand how he felt. The only thing I did was hug him. As tight as possible.....