Chapter Nine: Meet Your Enemy

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There are times in your life that the same things, the same person, and the same fucking and cursing incidents happen even if you don't want them happening in your life. And it's not coincidence anymore. It's Fuck. And you got nothing to do with it.

I am in that situation right now.

Zach is sitting at the back of my car and blood is all over his shirt. I saw a scratch at my car. Good thing its not a dent, or he'll have his body crushed by me. He must have hit it so hard, that's why it got a little scratch. But, why is he here anyways?

"Oh, hi again lovely lady" He smiled at me. A feign smile escaped from his bruised lip. He must have gotten into a fight, again. Trouble-maker.

I just looked at him and raised my eyebrow. What could he possibly want from me?

He leaned at my car, catching his breath. I saw him turned his head and his eyes seeking for something. I followed his sight. He took a glance at the direction of 4 men at the front of the beer house, just steps away from the grocery store. I knew those guys. They're the men that beat him up last week. I saw Zach leaned again at the back of my car. I heard a heavy sigh from him. I tried probing his suspiciously shown manners and I might have had a clue about his situation.

"Get into my car." I told him as I kicked his hands. I heard him shrieked when I did that. I walked back to my car door and opened it. He's still at the back, carefully walking towards my point. He cant be seen by those men, I can't be seen too. They knew me. I'm not helping this man because I pity him, I'm saving myself from trouble because of this man. I know right. Enemies of my enemy are now my enemies.

I told him to go through the driver's seat so that he won't be seen when he enters my car. But even before he could get himself inside my car, one of the men spotted him and looked at me. And guess what? He smirked at me.

I immediately pushed Zach inside the car. I don't care if he got hurt for that, but he needs to run away, or let's say, We need to run away?

Man, I hate it when I'm with someone else during trouble. I always prefer fighting with my enemies with my own self. It's just like I'm being good when I'm doing something independently. But right now, I feel pressured and sick, especially that I'm with someone I don't know. Well, I knew him a little though. But no, I really hate it.

"God damn it you! I should have just left you there and let you get killed!" I yelled, not facing him. I got my eye, stuck in the road. I'm running in high speed. Even if I can't see Zach, I can sense his fear. I can feel him having troubles in his mind and in his body. Why can't he just stay away from trouble. I mean, he got really good posture and masculinity but, why would he get himself in this kind of things. Not that I'm blaming him for his choices, but this is dangerous for a guy like him. He knows how to fight, but he's not some immortal to not be killed by those men. He got to learn something.

I drive faster than earlier. I can still see the two cars following us. They're fast, but I'm faster. A sudden urge to drift my car approached me as soon as I saw a turning point ahead of me. With this speed of mine, I could fell off the cliff if I'll not turn now. 

"Hold on!" I started drifting, turning the steering wheel as fast as I can. I can feel the car starting to lift a little at the right side, in the passenger's seat where Zach is seated.

After the long drifting and a quick sweating from steering the wheel with my full force exerted, I finally breathed heavily then relaxed my body. I briefly glanced at the mirror and saw the cars not chasing us anymore. They stopped. Why did they do that?

I looked at Zach and I got confused when I saw him in his shocked face. He's looking at the road. With eyes wide open, in fear? I quickly turned my head to the direction of the fine road but I was staggered with what I saw.

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