Someone new or somethings?

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Alexis P.O.V
*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*
I slowly sit up on my bed and checked the time. 11:00.
'Better get ready' I put jeans, my red flannel shirt and make my red hair some what presentable, then left.
After 10 minutes of driving I arrived at the once loved building, now torn and weary. As I walk in I see man with a hat sitting at one of the table.
"Ah, you must be alexis am I right?" I nod
"Well here's your uniform" he hands me a folded shirt and a hat with security written on it.
"Now let me show you around"
"Well if you could, only show me the staff only, because I've been here multiple times"
"Oh ok"

"And this is your office, the other guard will tell you what to do, and I'll see you in the morning" as he left the building, I made my way to the bathroom and got changed.
I walked into my office to see a blonde haired girl sitting at the desk, she turns to face me.
"Hi, my name is Katie I'm your new co-worker" she placed her hand out, instead I grabbed the tablet on the chair and sat down.
"Not much of a talker, huh. I guess I'll just have to talk extra" she said pulling her hand away.
"knock yourself out" I said abundantly whilst checking the cameras.
"Once I had a party here, all my friends came and it was really fun, well besides at the end." I just look up at her.
"But anyway... I once had a pet bunny but it bit me so my brother had to give it back, on the upside my mum gave me a cookie. When my brother came home he got me a cat. That's how I got this scar" she points to her eye. "The cat got mad and attacked me... I didn't have a good run with pets"
"Do you ever work!?" I start to yell.
"I do, when it hits 2, that's when there active" I roll my eyes back to the tablet.
"So, what about you? Do you have any pets?"
"A cat" still focusing on the tablet.
"Ooooh, what's it's name?" Acting like a little kid.
"That's a cool name, mine was called Vincent" I snap my attention to her giving her a little jump.
"What did you say? The name?" I give her the 'what did you just say' look.
"Vincent?" Sounding very confused, I turn to face the tablet.
After 2 hours of Katie blabering  about things, she finally says something of interest.
"Oh look at that it's 2, go check the stage" as I check, I see 3 robots staring at the camera.
"They're there" she starts to giggle.
"Check again" she says all too smugly. The duck, it's gone.
"She moved didn't she?"
"That stupid duck!"
"It's a chicken!"she says childishly, I just stare her bluntly.
"It's a duck!"
"No it's Chica the chicken!" (Not a duck that's embarrassing, anyone? Anyone? No? Ok)
"It's Chica the duck, she's the mother fucker of the band!" I yell.
"Ok Chica's a duck *cough*chicken"
"I heard that!" She pauses in her tracks and stares at me.
"Heard what?" She shrugs her shoulders and giggles.
I look down at the tablet to see one brown figure on stage, clicking on the other cameras I find bonnie in east corner. Footsteps echo through the office, I know where he is, I point at the left door, Katie only gives me a confused look until she turns to turn the light on. She flailed her arms in fright to slam the door. I just laugh
"That wasn't funny" she gives me a cranky look.
"Well you should of seen your face!" My voice deepens.
Two more hours passed, mainly of Katie blabering a lot, occasionally bonnie would rock up at her door, and mine.
"Why is this happening!?" She squealed.
"The phone said that this would happen, didn't you listen to the call?"
"I did, and they never came to any of the doors!"
"Sure" i said sarcastically whilst closing the door on the duck.
"You know what? Your turn!" I yelled at Katie shoving the tablet into her arms.
"Hang on, wait, what!" I could tell she was confused then she caught on. I grabbed my phone out and started playing games.
"What are you doing? You need to help me"
"I am! Just check the cameras and close that door"

Katie's P.O.V
"I am! Just check the cameras and close that door"
I don't know what alexis is trying to get at, and close the door? I look down at the tablet look for the stupid bunny, but he seems...familiar.
"*sigh*" alexis got up and walked towards me. She looks pissed.
"Uh, alexis? What are you doing? My voice started to tremble. She pressed the big red button on the wall then sat back down and went back to her phone.
"You could of killed us" I pressed the light to see a purple bunny. My heart started to sink. I could've died, right here and there.

Alexis' P.O.V
'I hear something.' I look at me surroundings then back at my phone.
*help me*
'What is that? Wait' I put my head closer to the door. 'Static?'
Looking back at my phone I slammed my fist onto the red button.

Katie's P.O.V
I swiftly turn to my right to see alexis with her hand against the button, whilst sitting down and looking at her phone.
"Are you trying to make us run out of power and get us killed!?"I shouted. She looks up at me, then back at her phone 'as usual'. She presses the white button and points to the window. A yellow chicken against the window.
"Thank god you closed that door!" She rolled her eyes.

Alexis' P.O.V
My phone went flat, so now have to listen to Katie go on about how I saved our lives.
*Ding, dong, ding, dong*
Katie throws her arms up.
"6am!" She grabs my arm and pulls me out of the office.
"I can walk myself you know" she stops.
"Would you rather be in there or out here where it's happier"
"I'd rather be far away from the duck"
"It's a chicken!" She's as I head out the door.
"Bye alexis" I gave no reply.

Katie's P.O.V
'Well that was rude' soon later John came through the door.
"Morning Katie" he looks around in confusion "where's alexis?"
"She already left"
"Oh, that's a shame. You should get going too and get some rest"
"Thank you"

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