Chapter 3 - The parents reaction

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"Hello", "hello!" I said. Huh must have hung up.

We walk up the ally near his parents house, my phone rings again "hello" I say. "Hello" hello" the caller says. The voice was defiantly a very faint call, must be long distance.

"Who are you"I say. But she hung up.

I walk to the front door of Morrises parents house and wait."you shouldn't have come here my parents are always so fucken drunk.

We walk in the house seemed to go three ways one into a kitchen one into the upstairs and one leading to a living room.

Morris walks into the kitchen and I catch a slight glimpse off his mom she looked kind off shabby with a housecoat and her hair as a rats nest and the smell of beer and smoke filled the room.

I see morris walk in and notice his dad was there.

The dad raised his hand and smacked Morris on the head and for 10 minutes yelled at him.

Then standing there he gets another call.

"We got the call from the school" the mother said.

"I know" he said

10 minutes later he carried a box full of things in his hand.

He was kicked out off his house.

And at that moment the caller wanted to meet Luke at the cafe. He excepts.

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