Chapter 2 - This dumb school

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I texted goodbye to my dad and walked out the door. I made sure that my ringtone was off so it won't ring off during class.

I walked near the school and I saw something amazing.


"Fuck you morris"I said. He walked away, I skuffled at him and thought again on why I hate him."You know how coach thinks about this!" "Yea but who cares!" He said.

Morris had been smoking on school property and had been sent home so I had chose to walk with him. The crazy son of a bitch smoked on school property.

"You are one crazy son of a bitch!" "You know that" I said.

"Yea my parents will kill me!" He said.

I took out my phone and checked my messages.

I got an anonymous caller. I excepted the call and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello I said"

What happens next chapter

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