Chapter 4 - The anonymous caller

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After school I walked to the cafe awaiting the mysterious son of a bitch who keeps calling me on my phone.

I walk the bit of ways to the cafe.(The outdoor cafe that is). I walk along seeing how there is so many people here how to find her.

But then I see her, out of the corner of my eye I see I very beautiful brunette sitting on her I phone at a corner table.

I walk over and finally see her face. She was hot, so me (playing my game) walk over and greet my self.

Ohh how she was so beautiful , she had to be her.

I sat down and asked her if she called me earlier

"Were you the woman I was supposed to meet!"

I was very exited and she was super hot I absolutely loved her

And it had to be her

Then she spoke "No I'm not". I sighed.

I looked over still disappointed on how she wasn't it, and in the corner of my eye I see a girl wave at me.

I walk over and sat down

"Hi" I said

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