eight ☟ part one

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warning: fem!leo

Percy's POV

I scoured the Pavilion with my sea green eyes, trying to spot a certain Latina that stole my heart. I can't find her anywhere. I gradually became more and more frustrated as breakfast went by. Soon enough, there were only ten minutes until our first activity. Nyssa caught on to my urgency and tried to help me, but with no prevail.

"Hey Percy, whatcha looking for?" Piper's calming voice startled me out of my stress, soothing all my worries in a snap of a finger.

"Lea still isn't here, I'm starting to get worried..." I ran a hand through my messy raven black hair, it got stuck half way through because I didn't brush it this morning, so I merely moved it, leaving it messier than it originally was.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Piper's eyes flash with something that was, what? Sly? Mischief? I frowned, wondering what just happened until I heard a blood curling scream resinate across the camp.

"PIIIIIPEEEERRRRRR!!!!!!!" It sounded suspiciously like Lea's voice. Everyone froze in their seats except for Piper. She burst out laughing, practically rolling on the floor. All eyes locked on to her, as she panted from the lack of breath, then promptly laughed like crazy again.

Suddenly, Lea stomped into the room.

Everyone's jaws hung open in shock.

She was wearing a very revealing dress, that not only complimented her curves but also showed them. Her hair was not in a usual rat's nest, on the other hand, it was neatly placed in an intricate fishtail braid with an arrangement of multicolored flowers adoring her brown hair. And on top of all that, her feet were covered in eight-inch stilettos, bright red stilettos.

This did not look like Lea at all.

Though I must admit, it was a pretty good sight.

That was before I realized she was steaming with anger. Literally steaming.

Her usual chocolate brown eyes were a fiery red, burning with anger. Lea's hands were in fists, clenched tighter than I thought was possible, fire flickering and dancing across them. Her breathing was heavy and furious.

She looked ready to kill.

"Piper. Get your jerk butt over here. Right. NOW." Lea's voice was full of tension and anger. For a split second, I saw Piper's eyes flash with fear, however, it soon dispersed like it was never there.

"Why so?" Piper smugly grinned with mischief. Though it didn't last long, after seeing Lea's hand burn even brighter.

"Get these clothes off me. Now." Lea's tone was scarily calm as if she wasn't screaming just a minute ago.

After Piper didn't say anything Lea had enough.

"ARE YOU DEAF? DO YOU NEED THE APOLLO CABIN TO CHECK YOU UP? CAUSE I'M PRETTY SURE I JUST ASKED YOU TO TAKE THESE CLOTHES OFF ME RIGHT NOW." Lea screeched on the top of her lungs. The whole camp of people sat there in shock and fear. No one, no one, has ever heard Lea sound so mad and done with life.

"B-but you look s-so p-pr-pretty..?" The statement turned to a question at the end. I mentally cringed for Piper, she was done for.

"You know what? I don't even care. I've stopped caring. Just get the heels off me and I'll stop. That's all I ask for. No heels, no drama. As simple as that." Lea had a fake smile plastered on her tan face, making hand motions like everything was fine and she wasn't screaming her lungs out until they shriveled up from dehydration.

Piper sighed, conceding to Lea's requests.

The eight-inch stilettos disappeared, revealing Lea's bare feet, she sighed in relief and wiggled her toes around. I finally decided to speak.

"You look hot." Seriously brain? Seriously? Do you want to die early? But I schooled my facial features to composed and firm. Lea looked up in surprise. We were dating and all, but I've never really said anything like that before, it's always been "I'd rather watch you then the sunset" or "Compared to you, any other girl looks like nothing". Never something straight forward.

"Pardon?" Lea was peering at me confused, brow crunching up cutely.

"I said," talking slower this time like she was a five-year-old, "you look hot."

"Uhhh..." Lea stared at me weirdly, not blushing a single bit. "Do you need to go to the infirmary?"

"Probably cause of the burn I got from seeing your hotness," I smirked, thought I was playing it smooth. Hehe, nope. Lea didn't do that crap.

"PSHHHHAWWWW!!!! HAHAHAHA!!" Instead, Lea burst out laughing clutching her stomach, gasping for breath. "DID YOU JUST SAY THAT????" Lea looked like she was hyperventilating all because I said something she thought was stupid.

"What did I say?" I was genuinely confused by now. Camp Half-Blood was too, I could tell. One minute Lea was screaming bloody murder, the next she laughing her guts out. Chiron was obviously slightly concerned for Lea's well-being as well.

"Weeelll, I thought it was funny how you commented on my 'hotness'", at this, she used her fingers to make quotation marks, "while I was literally on fire." Lea snickered a bit.

A few people also snickered and chuckled, but I still didn't get it.

"Oh Perce, it's alright." Lea walked up to me, patted me on the cheek, and pressed a sweet kiss to my lips. I still loved kissing Lea, even after 2 weeks.

But what I didn't know was 2 weeks later, I would learn the reason as to why Lea freaked out about stilettos.

word count : 930

a/n: thank you for 100 reads! part two will come out in under a week


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