twenty-four ☟

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a/n: this chapter was requested by daughterofapllo5678. thank you for suggesting!

request: can you do leo having a nightmare and percy, being the good boyfriend he is, calm him down.

Leo's POV

His hand fit perfectly in mine, slotting together almost as if it was meant to be. We walked down the shore, leaving footprints in the damp sand. He swung our arms slightly, humming a little lullaby that I didn't recognize. I sighed in content, kicking up a bit of the sand and watching it fly up a bit in a clump.

A smile wormed its way onto my face, I leaned against him, breathing in the scent of the salty sea and cookies. Even with my eyes closed, I could practically see and feel him smiling with me.

All of a sudden, he stopped walking. I opened my eyes, confused. 

"What's wrong?" I ask him, looking over beside me. I expected to see the sea green eyes and black tousled hair I grew to love, but instead, there was a mannequin. What?

I let go of the fake hand, looking around for the boy I loved. I saw him alright, I saw him making out with someone, with someone that's not me. Even from such a far distance, I could hear him telling them that he loves them, that he just uses me to fix his weapons.

Fear gripped my heart, I stumbled backward, not believing what I was seeing.

He promised me, he promised me that he loved me.

His sea green eyes suddenly turned to me, as if hearing what I thought. An evil smirk grew on his lips, he grinned at me.

"Do you really think I could love something like you? So useless, so stupid, so unneeded." Tears dripped down my face, I backed away slowly, the words echoing in my mind.

So useless.

So stupid.

So unneeded.







I gasped for air, shooting up from my bed. Panic latched onto me, filling my head with hallucinations.

It's just a dream Leo, just a dream, it's not true, Percy wouldn't do that to you.

I told that to myself, covering my ears with my hands while rocking back and forth in a curled up ball. My breathing was labored, as the voices grew louder and louder. They told me I was useless, I was stupid, I was unneeded. Tears streamed down my face, I gasped for air.

"Leo?" Percy's tired voice broke me out of my stupor. I ripped myself from the suffocating blankets, sprinting out the cabin door. Ever since we got together, we slept in the same bed since Percy got nightmares from Tarturus, I got them from events of the past, and we were the only ones that could comfort each other.

Acid bubbled in my lungs from running so long and hard. Tears blocked my vision, but I could feel the dirt ground beneath my feet, the tree branches slapping my body, leaving scratches. But I couldn't feel it. Everything was numb. Nothing mattered anymore.

I collapsed in a heap on the ground, shaking and sobbing. My body wracked my sobs, shaking so violently that it was almost painful. It was getting harder and harder to breathe, I gasped for air, desperately trying to fill my lungs with oxygen.

Lips connected with mine.

They breathed into my lips at the same time, filling me with air. I quickly relaxed into their arms, already recognizing their arms around me, and the lips on mine.


I quickly pushed him away, panicking once more. He hurt me, he kissed someone else, and called me those things... I told myself to calm and that it was a nightmare. My mind was conflicted, yelling at each other, at me, different things.

My heart beat faster, arms wrapped themselves around me, letting me snuggle into them. The voices disappeared, and the only voice I could hear was Percy's.

"I love you, I love you like no one else in this world. You are my one and only, I'll die for you, if it means that you'll live one. I'd rather be put through pain and torture than let a single blade touch you. I'd rather kill myself than ever think about betraying your trust. If you wanted to be perfect, just stay the same. I love your hair, I love your eyes, I love everything about you. Leo Valdez, I. Love. You." Percy's firm yet soft voice filled my ears.

I continued to cry, but instead, these were happy tears. I hugged him tighter, afraid he would leave.

"I love you too Percy, to the moon and back. Thank you."

word count : 764

a/n: so cute.


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