Chapter 10 - The Project Mother

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Blake William's POV

Damn, this house! I should've never visited her. She's making this so complicated. Who am I talking about? It's my stepmother. She wants me to get married before I reached the age of 30!! Or else, she'll inherit the William Hotel Company to my stepbrother - Liam and I won't get my trust fund. I can never trust them with the company and it's money, all I know is they're going to spend it on casino and other vices. They also want to take over my company because the companies that they own is going bankrupt already. 

My attorneys are getting a hard time getting the trust fund from them but they're more powerful than us. How stupid! I'm the legitimate child here.

It's 7:30 in the morning and I'm already pissed off with this messed up family. I get on my  car and told the driver, Anton, to go to the William Hotel Company. I placed my briefcase beside me and checked my phone.

Kate, she's 50 years old but still alive and kicking, my temporary secretary until we find one. Gladly, I hired one the other day. Rose Standford, a fierce, sassy and kind-hearted woman. She's been running on my mind all day after the accident. Those eyes totally made my whole world stop. Now, I sound like hormonal teenage boy having their first crush. I don't know if I should be happy because the accident happened. The only problem now is if I can work properly with her just outside my office room. I DON'T KNOW IF CAN CONCENTRATE.

I received the text 5 minutes ago from Kate saying that the secretary has arrived and they have finished the orientation in the office. Good! Kate is trustworthy employee, that's why she always get a raise from her salary. This is what you call kind-hearted boss!

I dialed Kate's number.

After a few rings, she answered.

"Good morning, Sir." Kate greeted with pure energy.

"How's the secretary?" I asked.

"She's done with the orientation, Sir. And now she's in her cubicle fixing your schedule."

"Good. Thank you, Kate!" I ended the call.


After a few minutes, Joshua called. What does he want now?

I tapped the "accept" button. "What do you want, Joshua?" I asked while massaging the bridge of my nose.

"Have you asked her yet?" 

Why he's so persistent? I pressed a button to put a glass between me and the driver, it's totally sound proof.

"No, maybe tomorrow! For gawd's sake, Joshua, this is her first day of work! If I ask her now, she'll quit the job and tell the police." I said, noticed that my voice got too loud.

"Okay, chill, bro. I'm just reminding you to follow with the plan. You don't have to show your affection towards her, so that she'll agree." he said with a stern voice.

Ahh yes, professionalism, Blake. Follow the protocol!

"I already know that. I'm good at scaring people away, remember?"

"Whatever. I'll be at your office around 6, okay?" 

"Okay," I said. I heard Anton knock the glass telling me that we're a block away from the office. "Hey, bro, I need to go."

"Gotcha. Tell Rose I said 'Hi!', okay?" he teased which made me mad, btw.

"NO, she's mine! Back off, bro!" Joshua laughed. "I'm happy with Laurel."

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