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Within a week Clay soon came back to the clubhouse and I was working on one of the motorcycles outside when he came over."Listen Maze I am sorry" he said. "I guess I felt threatened and that you would lead Jax down the wrong route."

"It's okay I guess I overreacted," I answered.  

"I understand and welcome home kid," he said wrapping me in a hug. I hugged him back. Clay let go and I went back to fixing the motorcycle. The guy with the beanie wandered over.

"Good to see all is forgiven, I am Opie. My dad told me grew up together" he said.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Get Jax I need to speak to him and Maze," Clay told Opie. We both walked into the clubhouse and Jax joined us.

"I've heard Jimmy is in Ireland now. You need to head to Belfast.  I need you two to go over and track him for me," Clay explained.

"Wait what?"'I asked a little confused.

"Well one of Jimmy's men stole Jaxs son and Jimmy's missed a few payments and we need to get him back," he explained.

"Wait, wait," I started collapsing into one of the chairs. "I'm an aunt?!" 

"Yes," he replied.

"When do we leave?" I inquired.

"Now if you can. We'll be meeting you a few days later," Clay explained.

I walked out to my motorcycle and Opie handed me a rucksack. "Everything you need I'll be seeing you," he told me and walked away. Jax joined me and we both mounted our motorcycles but his old lady walked over. "Tara meet Maze, my sister," he introduced us.

"Nice to meet you," I said shaking her hand. Jax said his goodbyes and we headed to the next boat which would take us to Manchester and the rest we would ride on our motorcycles. It took a long time but Jax and I caught up on each other's childhoods and reminisced about Dad. We finally reached Manchester and made the trip to Ireland. It was so cold here compared to Charming and we had to get used to driving on the other side of the road. Jax and I raced each other as we weaved in and out of cars earning a few honks of the driver's horns and dirty looks but we decided that it was funny and ignored them. We had to stop at border checks, we cut our engines and had to hand over our ids, we were kept waiting and immediately we knew something was wrong.

"Dismount and remove the helmets," we were told sternly, so we did. "Jax and Mazekene Teller you're both on bail," one man stated with a thick Northern Irish accent.

"Let's call it parol," he answered.

"Maze you were wanted for being a missing person which was cleared but also attempted murder," another one said looking at me.

"Self-defence," I replied. Once they assessed us once more we were allowed to pass. "I thought they were supposed to wipe the records clean for us?" I asked.

"Obviously they haven't," Jax replied speeding ahead of me.

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