Chapter 5: Close Friends

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"Hey, can I get your number?"

"Sure..." I gave him my phone number. We were the first ones off and then he said bye and we parted and went to our own homes.

"Talk to you later." He said loudly when I got to my door.


~End of Rewind~

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Same night----------

I came in the house and it was around 5:00 pm. Aunt H. was making dinner.

"Hola Chica."


"So, how was escuela?"

"Muy Buen, hechos nuevos amigos."

"Te lo dije, lo haría!"

"Hahahahahaha...whatcha makin?"

"Chocolate con arroz."

"Gracias Tia, for everything." She served me Chocolate rice which was really good. After that I was stuck doing dishes.

"Tia, I'm going to go take a shower, do homework and then going to bed."

"Okay, buenos noches then."

"Buenos noches Tia."

I went to go take a shower. I grabbed my clothes from my room. I took a peek out the window to see if talon was in his room, he wasn't. My bathroom connected to my room so I just walked in. I finished my shower and sat down to do my homework. When I was done it was nearly 8:00pm.

Unknown #-----Hey

Me-----Who is this?

Unknown #------Your neighbor, remember I said I would talk to you later.

Me-----Oh, hey I changed the unknown number to Talon<3.


Me------Working on homework wbu?



Talon-----Same, come over so we can work on it together

Me-----um I don't think I can

Talon-----Look out your window


I looked out my window and saw him looking out his window. He could reach across and touch my face. That's how close he was.  We sat on our own ledge and stared up at the stars. He started the conversation.



"Where'd you come from?"



"What about you?"

"I've been here all my life."


"What math problem you stuck on?"

"6, you?"


"That ones easy."

"Doubt it...hey you know those guys I was hanging out with?"

"Yeah, the ones who were scanning me?"

"Um..yeah them."

"What about them?"

"Well...they think your hot and your the prettiest girl in school."

"Your just saying that."

"No, didn't you see how those girls on the bus looked at you?"



"Come here I want to show you something." He grabbed my hand and stated to pull me towards him. I stated laughing all confused. He pulled me into his muscle arms and on his lap. He held me tightly in his arms. He kissed me on the cheek and thats when I pulled away. I checked the time and noticed it was late.

"Hey...I'm tired."

"Come lay down with me."

"No." He held me tighter and it was starting to get harder to breathe.

"Stop, I can't breath!"

"Sorry." He let go and I climbed back onto my ledge. My foot slipped and now I was hanging like an apple on a tree. I screamed and then he came running and caught my hands. He pulled up and held me into arms. I started to cry and I hugged him. He hugged me back. I was sitting in his lap and fell asleep. 

Talon's POV--------

She fell asleep in my arms. I carried her slowly to my bed and laid her down. She moved a little and then laid still. I covered her with my blankets. I closed the window and laid down on the floor. I set my alarm extra early so we could talk things over.

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