I Found God

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  • Dedicated to GOD

I Found God

Where am I going?

What am I doing with my life?

If I die today will I leave something for people to remember me?

Am I even making a difference in the world?

Am I truly living or just breathing?

I thought back to my life and saw nothing.

Absolutely and utterly nothing.





All this is nothing.

A party ends in a few hours.

Friends backstab you.

Movies only last an hour.

Boyfriends will always come and go.

Do I have something worth living for?

Do I have something stable in my life?

Am I a reason for someone to live?

I may look happy but I know that I do not have inner happiness or inner peace.

I ran out in the pouring rain, searching for a reason to live. I was searching for the reason of my existence.

Why am I on this planet? In this country in particular? In this family? In this school? With these friends?

The rain was heavy and I was now drenched but I didn’t feel anything. I was numb. I just want my answer.

My life is so dull.

Suddenly, I got to the beach and there, I saw the rain and the sun working together to form the most beautiful rainbow I have ever seen. I felt so close to it that I thought I could touch it.

Without my permission, a smile formed on my lips. A genuine smile. And happiness filled my heart. I have never felt that way and all this is due to the rainbow?

I felt someone’s presence. I don’t know how but I just knew that it was God.

“Live for the beauty, create beauty,” He told me.

“How?” I asked, awestruck.

“Just like the rain, you’ll have stormy days. And just like the sun, you’ll have bright days. But you have to join the pieces together and form a rainbow,”

“Love every person you meet and give them a smile that shows them the reason why they are here,”

“Show the people around you that someone cares, show them that YOU care.”

“How do I know this is true?” I asked.

“Just try,” He said “You’ve got nothing to lose.”

“The key to inner happiness and peace is love.” These were his last words before he disappeared, leaving me with a new mission and the answer to all my previous questions.

Today, I found God.

He is the rain, the sun, the rainbow.

He is in our sad, happy, and confused days.

He is ALWAYS there.

At this moment I found the key to living a worthwhile life.

The key to everything and everyone is LOVE.

Today, I found God and within him I found love.


Thank you for helping me, God.

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