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Have you ever had a anxiety? Have you ever had panic attacks? It's unbelievably hard to control your thoughts and emotions for a certain amount of time with this unthinkable fear. It feels like someone is gripping tightly onto my stomach, someone who is crushing my lungs like it's single garlic clove making me have trouble breathing. My heart is, pounding! I end up sweating and I feel like I'm about to erupt like a active volcano. My mum decided tablets would help...they do but they make me feel worthless like I need to rely on them all the time. That's why I refuse. I just have to live with social anxiety.

Social Anxiety is described as:

Characterized by extreme self-consciousness. A condition in which the subject may be consistently nervous, fearing judgement and over-rationalizing, taking things apart to much, often worrying about what others may think of them, not to mention feeling like they are always being looked at.

It sucks. Hello, my name is...anxiety.

"Poppy Green would you like to tell me your answer for question one? On average how many trips will be made on the New York Subway?" Mrs Kain asked me with her glasses sliding down her nose. I froze, I felt panic, so much pressure to answer this question correctly without making myself look stupid.

"Uh...I-It's..." I stuttered trying to get my words out as everybody stares at me.

"Yes?" Mrs Kain continued making eye contact with me. Come on Poppy I said to myself, I know this! You know that on average each year 1.7 billion trips are made on the New York Subway, just say it...but I just can't I was left with my mouth wide open then shook my head. Again people are continuing to stare, but even worst they're starting to giggle and laugh amongst themselves until...

"Ok! That's enough! Never mind Poppy, maybe next time. Now Lacey would you like to answer the question for the class?" Mrs Kain suggested, Lacey Turner smirked directly at me and chirped up her annoying voice.

"Of course, Mrs Kain! On average each year 1.7 billion trips are made on the New York Subway. It was in our textbooks from Monday's lesson." Lacey smiled showing her sparkling white teeth.

"That is correct. Well done Lacey, glad that you were paying attention." Mrs Kain smiled and pushed her glasses back up the top of her nose. I knew that answer, damn it! Why do I end up panicking, get sweaty palms and find it hard to breathe, oh yeah anxiety. Still everyone was sniggering and I just slither down lower and lower into my seat pretending I don't exist. Then a loud alarm comes from out of nowhere.

Oh thank goodness it was just a dream...  

Credits to insomnolence for the trailer.

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