Chapter 4

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          The Brooklyn Bridge, first of all, is massive. It can hold a lot of cars all at once. I've never been outside off Zufairia, except when we all went to Bora Bora for my 18th birthday, so this- meaning New York- is all new to me and it's amazing! I'm now really glad that father chose this place for me to go. I wish I could extend the date further so I could tour the city all I want, but I'm here for one purpose only and that is to find a girl to marry and to make sure she is fit to be the next Queen. Whe knows, maybe I will find her.

"Charles, this place is wonderful!" I exclaimed.

"Yes it is, Sir," Charles replied.

"How much longer until we get to Broadway," I asked. Though I love all of this, I hate riding in cars for prolonged periods of time.

"By the looks of the traffic that we are getting, I would say about 45 minutes to an hour. The tour starts at 8 o'clock, so we will most likely have time to look around," Charles explained our situaton.

"Ok, thank you, Charles."

          For about 30 minutes, all that was going on was cars and the occasional cyclist passing by. That is, of course, until she came along.

                                                           ***Raine's POV***

          It's been 5 years. 5 terrible long and ecruciating years without my twin sister, Starr. That is why today, Febuary 14th, what was supposed to be Starr and my's 18th birthday, I will take my own life and be with her once again.

          I checked my wristwatch; 6:30 in the morning. The most perfect time to jump off the Brooklyn Bridge without no one noticing me doing it. It was basically rush hour but in the morning. People were traveling over the bridge to hear towards work in hopes that they wouldn't be late. I left letters under my bed for my parents and my 'friends' to read. They probably won't read them since they haven't cared for me or even paid a second of their time for me ever since Starr died.

          I just can't take it anymore; my friends, my family, my LIFE! We were always like 2 peas in a pod, our whole family was. Now, not so much. My parents don't know who my boyfriend is, let alone know that I've been cutting myself since I turned 15. That's not even scratching the surface. At night in my dreams, Starr's there. We talk. I don't remember what about, but I do know that we have full-on conversations. I don't want to come to it, but i think I may be a little crazy. Oh well, one more reason to add to the list why I'm killing myself.

          I stepped off the sidewalk and placed my feet between the railing. By this time I heard a door slam and tons of beeping and i knew that, that wasn't good news, so I climbed onto the top of the railing and was about to jump off when someone yelled after me.

"Hey, stop!" a guy yelled at me.

Oh, come on! Why now?! "Just go away!" I snapped at him.

"Prince Liam, don't! Please get back into the vehicle!" 'Prince Liam's' butler or whatever begged him. I highly doubt he's an actual prince.

"Please," he begged me sweetly. When I turned around to see the face of the sweet voice, I was shocked beyond comparison. He had to be over 6 feet tall. He had light sandy-brown hair with streaks of blonde in it and the most breathtaking emerald-green eyes. To sum it up, he was jaw-dropping gorgeous!

"My mother told me to never to talk to strangers no matter what," I told him replying to his question before I started to zone out from his hotness.

He just chuckeled and said, "Well, if we knew each other's names, then we wouldn't be strangers, therefore your mother would not have to worry about her daughter." When I didn't say anything he extended his hand out towards me. "My name is Liam Andrew Berconica Zufairia."

"Nice long name; also nice accent," I observed whithout thinking about what I was saying.

"You too. Do I get to know your name now since we share accents in common? I have a British accent, so I shouldn't bite," he told me. I contemplated his question for a minute then answered.

"My name is Raine Jade Johnson; don't wear it out."

"Didn't plan on it. Are you going to get off the bridge," he questioned me.

"No, I'm jumping," I answered.

"Ok." I looked at him very strange when he said that so he explained to me why I was confused. "I'm jumping with you."

"No. You. Are. Not," I told him through clentched teeth. No one is risking their life for the stupid Raine Johson.

"You aren't the boss of me," he retorted in a childish voice while sticking out his tongue. What is he, 2?

"Boss or not, I'm jumping. It was a pleasure meeting you, Liam," I told him and tried to jump off of the railing and into the freezing water below.

          Key word: tried. For some idiotic reason, Liam caught my hands and lifted me up and over the railing and sat me on the solid ground. Why did he care so much about me? About a girl he met not even 10 minutes ago. Why did he want to save me? I'm a depressed 18-year-old girl with a dead twin sister and paretns who ignore you 24/7. My thoughts were interrupted by Liam's soft lips against my own. I was etremely shocked. He kissed me! I took a step backwards, but I ended up tripping over my own 2 feet and falling onto the hard ground. Once there, I hit my head quite hard on the cement and the last thing I remeber before blacking-out was Liam rushing down to my level and asking if I was okay. Oh, and how wonderful that kiss of his was.


And so you get to meet the wonderful Raine!! Ain't she a happy camper!! Yea, I know she's really gloomy and depressive but that will improve as the story progresses. Hope you liked the chapter


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